75 thoughts on “Floating in fog

  1. Such magical photos!

    The quote under your header by AA Milne makes me wonder if you saw the new movie, “Goodbye Christopher Robin”? I saw it recently on an aiplane trip and enjoyed it, although the story of how Milne wrote Winnie the Pooh was different than I imagined.


  2. WOW! Fiona, these images are STUNNING! They have such a beautiful mystical/ethereal feel to them.

    “It felt as if I were floating in a fairytale kingdom….”

    So perfectly expressed.

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!


    1. Let me re type that..

      Thy gifts abound. Even a ‘non human person’ would have to take notice, perhaps even weep. Astounding!


      1. Wee people seem blind to this kind of magic -the emotional landscape. And no, Wee was not a type-O. Keep peppering them with your images, perhaps they’ll come around.


  3. I’d love to live in your world for a while … a world where fog is magical and cold is beautiful . Maybe just for a very short time though — in reality, I know my toes would get cold ,,, and I’d probably get lost in the fog.


  4. Hi! Very beautiful photos! I uploaded my thumb nail photo in Our World Tuesday. But I could not link the address in my blog. I am now in hospital from 4 days ago. The computer at the hospital would not work correctly. Sorry.


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