Oh that winter light!

There is a narrow, hidden path that comes out

Next to a gorgeous lakeside house.


As you emerge from the path,

You might find yourself bathed in honeyed light on a clear winter’s day.

Light 1.jpg

The light pours golden and warm

Over the hibernating bees — reminding us that

There are sweet things just around the corner.


For more sweet delights, please go to: Skywatch.

82 thoughts on “Oh that winter light!

  1. Oh my! Fiona, these photographs are absolutely EXQUISITE! The way you captured the sunlight is incredible!

    What a stunning setting! Especially for someone like me, who LOVES winter!

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love all your posts, this one is special. You have no idea how I love the words “narrow, hidden path” affect me and then such great magical photos. The scene reminds of frozen, snowy Idaho here in the USA where my mother comes from. The snow was always magical. Have a great day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It truly looks like a winter wonderland there and there’s something especially beautiful about the snowy landscape with blue skies and sunshine overhead that makes the scenery just pop! 🙂


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