Lavender dreams

Flowers are happy things

And none more so than lavender.

Lavender bee copy

It’s bright and energetic

Perfuming the air

With its fragrance and colour

And vibrancy.

Lavender 3

Lavender is the colour of summer for me.

What about you?

(Just realized that I’ve passed FIVE years of blogging! Thank you all so much for reading.)

Lavender blur

For more perfumed stories, please visit: Our World.

You can also check out Laura’s I heart macro link-up too!

90 thoughts on “Lavender dreams

  1. Yes, I too, love lavender and your captures are so lovely!! I can almost smell it from here!! Thanks for sharing, hope you have a lovely and fragrant week!!


  2. For me its not the visual colour but the colour scent of summer -sweet peach, pine scent green et al.

    Happy five years and shtufffs. Lavender must be for 5 year anniversaries if not it should be….makes sense doesn’t ?


  3. Sometimes one of my colleague at my school leaves a bunch of lavender flowers in a little pot overnight in the room. The fragrance the next morning is amazing. Beautiful photos.

    Greetings from London.


  4. Hello friend, would you care to share your bounty of lavender beauty with I Heart Macro? The link is still open and I would be honored to have your beautiful photos linked to my post… not to mention draw new readers to your exquisitely magical blog!!! (Just sayin’) So good to hear from you… I’ve not been visiting anyone much lately… traveling so much but now home and seem to have sprained my ankle hiking yesterday on an easy trail… go figure… Will know more after visiting the doctor this afternoon.



  5. Mmmmm….the air smells fragrant (I swear I almost can). There are a few lavender farms around us here in Oregon . Wouldn’t that be a beautiful crop to grow? Thank you for hosting OW….I love this meme and appreciate the effort involved! .


  6. Of our five kids we have 4 boys and just one girl, Lilly – and from the day she was born, lavender was her color. She looked beautiful in it.
    I also love the scent of lavender- and can just imagine it as I look at your beautiful photos!


  7. The colour in these shots is wonderful Fi, and I swear I can smell its beautiful scent drifting out of the screen. I have pots either side of my patio door so everyone brushes the lavender going in and out….love the smell 🙂


  8. Lady Fi, congrats on your 5th blog anniversary. I love the lavender, the scent is heavenly. Beautiful images! Thanks for hosting, enjoy your week ahead!


  9. thanks so much for hosting Our World…on your blogger profile can you put a link to your blog I wonder. I know where you are anyway but some may not know your incredible blog. The link on the top of Our World is good enough I guess. I am in love with lavender! I see we have the same pictures of it! always lovely to see you lady fi.


  10. I realize it’s been forEVER but hello from California. 🙂 I just recently returned to quasi-blogging and reading my blog roll and it was lovely stopping in. My garden has several varieties of lavender and I can’t get enough. My favorite is the wild, leggy thing that hangs over and waves it’s beautiful purple tips around. Can you HAVE too much lavender?? Hope all is well and I’ll be checking back sooner than three years! Congrats on the five years of blogging. That’s amazing. 🙂


  11. Congratulations on five years of blogging. I haven’t commented here for a while, but am back now again! Thanks for hosting Our World which I link up to as well. You’ve just reminded me that at the beginning of October I will also celebrate my five year bloggerversary! I look forward to seeing photos of your Oscar. Blessings, Jo


  12. Such lovely photos! I especially like the second one. Unfortunately for me, I haven’t seen lavender where I live. I wonder if it ever grows in my country.


  13. Lavender is my absolutely most favourite flower. I was in heaven in the fields of Lavender in France in 2005 – so long ago now.
    Congratulations on your five years of blogging. Your images and words are so beautiful.
    Have a wonderful week, and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.


  14. Beautiful! Purple is my favorite color although I will confess lavender is not my favorite flower. They make beautiful pictures for you (as always!). Happy 5th blogiversary and many more to come!!!


  15. Gorgeous colors, one of my favorites. Congratulations on five years of blogging. And on all your beautiful work with the camera. I’m so glad I found your blog.


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