December roses

The mild grey weather of December

Sent me the gift of a perfect luminous pearl

Speaking of renewal and hope in the middle of winter.

Pink perfection

Strung with a necklace of melted snow

Tells a tale of gentleness and endurance.

A faded beauty and a rose ready to bud

Reminds us – in this time of making resolutions –

To keep the goodness of the old

While enjoying the promise of the new.

For more stories, please visit: Our World.

83 thoughts on “December roses

  1. Beautiful flowers and wise and wonderful thoughts as always, Fiona! Hope you and your family enjoyed a lovely Christmas and that you have a great, happy and promising New Year! Thank you again for joining the Our World team!



  2. The pictures are beautiful but it’s a little eerie seeing a rose in a climate such as yours. Edmonton has been having unusually warm weather too- a friend lives there and I watch the temps to remind me that while it’s cold here, nothing like what it could be. This year their temperatures are close to ours!


  3. Lovely words and gorgeous roses, Lady Fi! The first white bud is simply beautiful. Great series and post. Have a great day and I hope your Christmas was wonderful. I wish you all the best in 2012.


  4. Perfect pictures, and a perfect lesson. Thank you. Hope your Christmas was wonder-full, and that the New Year brings even more joy and beauty into your life.


  5. I LOVE roses and your captures here are gorgeous! Once more, your words speak volumes in the most beautiful and appropriate form 🙂 Happy 2012 to you and your loved ones ~ wishing you all the best, Fiona x0x


  6. Beautiful photographs. Beautiful words. Beautiful sentiments.
    What a wonderful post to keep in mind as we welcome the end of the year.


  7. Hey Fi!!! I totally agree that to leave comments gives comments. I think I´m lazy with your blog though (and a few others) because I read them through facebook and then move on…shame on me. I can´t expect what I don´t give!! And I have to admit, I haven´t been here since you revamped your blog look- really nice!!! I want to do something new on mine also but not sure what yet? I´m not that technical, so it has to be easy but I want it to not look easy…hahahahaha…
    Your shots are wonderful, the snow is melting here also although I don´t think I have any flowers who were in bloom before it snowed..I will have a look around. Santa brought me a macro so I am anxious to play around with it. I´ve been down with a cold though so haven´t really ventured out much. Hope your holidays are all you hoped for! Are you enjoying free days until the New Year or will you be working?


  8. Beautiful!

    We have had a really mild Christmas here as well – 15 degrees on Christmas Day and Grandma said the sea was even warmer! We believed her but didn’t get in to test it! She’s 80 and much tougher than the rest of the family!

    We hope you all had a lovely Christmas!


  9. Hi, ladyfi
    These roses look like the essence of hope and happiness. How graceful and elegant they are!! Stunning photos.
    Have wonderful holidays and Happy New Year!


  10. did you sneak in Santa’s sleigh and take photos of Roses in New Zealand? This reminds me, I must visit my Rose gardens. Roses are best at this time.


  11. I called Peggy over, and she and I spent maybe fifteen minutes scrolling through your photos and reading your words. I really don’t know where I would have to go to find the equal of such beauty.


  12. Blooms of beauty. Thank you….feels good to see something besides my white landscape.
    I hope your holidays were wonderful…I am still recuperating:)


  13. My, oh, my! All amazing but there is something about the pink rose… I can get lost looking into it!! And your words, well, are just as amazing!!


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