Sauna weather

It’s the tail end

Of the Christmas holidays;


Mainly grey and mild —

But we finally got some cold weather.


Frosted snowflakes

Decorate the wall and window of the

Little sauna house on the lake.


When the sun finally showed its face,

The view was gloriously peachy.


For more cool shots, please visit: Our World.

73 thoughts on “Sauna weather

  1. Beautiful photographs, Fi.
    Here in NY, we have been in the deep freeze for almost all of 2 weeks now.
    A little relief today made it feel almost like beach weather!
    Almost. 🙂


  2. I love that tail end picture pun! I like the frosty texture in your photos and the peachy glow of the sun. We are having a too mild winter – we need snow badly.


  3. “When the sun finally showed its face,

    The view was gloriously peachy.”

    Love the way you said that, FIona! And that view is STUNNING!

    Being someone who loves winter and snow, glad to hear that you finally got some 🙂

    Have a super week, my friend!


  4. Glad you have some colder weather! I know you and the dogs like it. I wonder how the dogs are doing. I am so attached to them. I eagerly look forward to your picture each day of the dogs and what they are doing. We lost our golden to cancer years ago and it broke my heart. Seeing your dogs makes me happy Fi!


    1. Awww – thanks for the comment. So sorry to hear about your golden.

      Ruby and Simmie are fine – more than fine! They love the cold weather – it makes them perkier and more active.

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


  5. You have such a good eye for details. Your photos are so beautiful and transport me to the actual place. We are getting some winter showers but it is not that cold.


  6. I love saunas. May I come to visit? (Actually I’ve used a sauna house — we grew up in a town( in Eastern Washington State) that had been settled by Finnish immigrants and my best friend had one. But it was never that cold outside. We had an electric one (I know, the horror) in our Oregon house that we sold to travel .

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A wild ride has been winter thus far here. And it looks like there as well. Snowflakes, they do take a beating, do they not during their short lives.

    All the best shtufffs for you and your family.


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