With a cherry on top

Last week, I passed the park with the Japanese sakura trees very early in the morning.

It was minus degrees, frosty and very cold —

But that didn’t stop this photo shoot (the model had bare feet)!

Cold feet.jpg

Later on that week, I returned on a sunnier day

Just in time for a wedding photo shoot under the blossoms.


You can’t help but smile

Underneath that candy floss canopy of flowers!

(I’m only posting once this week as I’m away filming at the end of the week.)


For more beauty, please visit: Our World.

97 thoughts on “With a cherry on top

  1. How utterly beautiful — the contrast is amazing. I never imagined anything like this — cherry trees blooming while there is snow. Wow. I thought at first you meant these were your photo shoots, but surely these are your photographs of someone else taking pictures.


  2. OMG…these are STUNNING, Fiona! The color you captured is absolutely GORGEOUS!

    “Underneath that candy floss canopy of flowers!”

    Yup, totally put a BIG smile on my face 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, my friend, and have a lovely week!


  3. Very pretty photos in the end, I’m sure, but how cold for them! Everyone else had coats on–LOL! I’m surprised the blossoms are out. 🙂


  4. Spring, cherry blossoms, sakura with so many smiles along that path… Warm light and warm atmosphere in the aspects captured so inspired… Love them, all! Amazing people with or without photo cameras…. and bright smiles (I know I repeate myself…) Amazing so beautifully Spring!!
    Have a a wonderful time in all activities, this week and always! Best regards!


  5. Those blossoms. That bride. So much beauty to behold:)
    I love your way of seeing this world. Thanks for the sweet inspire.



  6. Hi Fiona,
    the Cherry blossom are stunning and I love this alley in Stockholm so much. Your photos with the models and all the other people are also wonderful.
    Best, Synnöve


  7. It really is an amazing sight and I love how the rest of the world joins in celebrating Japanese cherry blossom time – we were in a hotel in Bangkok this week, the foyer was filled with a massive fake cherry blossom tree, but it was so realistic it had to be touched to confirm this. Your photos are awesome. I would stand underneath with bare feet too!
    Wren x


  8. That is an eye-popping series on ‘candyfloss canopy of flowers’ (that is an unforgettable phrase). I loved both the snowclad and sunnier images. Sometimes, God conspires to send down heaven for some folks to get wedded in; and inspires someone to write about that.


  9. Wow, Fi, those blossoms are amazing. In Sweden? In April? Wow again. We do have a few blossoms now, here in Alberta, but nothing as gloriously showy as this.
    Sorry I’m so late commenting (#85 or something like that) but time seems to slip away from me these days.
    Better late than never,


    1. We had a couple of very warm days in April, which made the cherry blossoms think it was okay to bloom! Then the snow and ice returned, but they are resilient and persistent!


  10. Wow, beautiful but cold. Modes have to just to tough it out sometimes. I’ve observed shoots here where the model was wearing not much and the photographers and assistants all had heavy coats on.


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