Pink heaven

I had planned to take my big camera into Stockholm to photograph the sakura, or Japanese cherry blossoms,

But the hail and rain meant that the camera stayed dry at home. (All these photos were taken with my iPhone.)

I decided to revel in the pink beauty of the blossoms anyway,

And I’m glad I did.

Blossoms - alley

The blossoms on the north side

Remained curled up in bud


While the flowers were blossoming on the south side,

Looking so fragile and pretty against the rain.


My spirits soared at the sight

Of a dreamy pink canopy weaved

Of dreams and petals.


“In the cherry blossom’s shade,

There is no such thing as a stranger.” — Issa


For more beauty – pink or otherwise – please visit: Our World.


106 thoughts on “Pink heaven

  1. Paradise!!! We do not have such place for a walk under cherry blossoms, pink ones like in these gorgeous instants…. For sure it makes you to say: “spirits soared at the sight
    Of a dreamy pink canopy weaved
    Of dreams and petals….”
    My day is brighter, now… so thankful!! Warm greetings, Andra Alexa


  2. This is unbelievable, how gifted you are operating your iphone!! 🙂 It never works with me … 😦 The last one is a gem, but they are all outstanding, rainy Stockholm couldn’t have looked better. ❤ Vakre Sverige! ❤


  3. Fiona, these photographs are STUNNING! And wow…your phone camera takes AMAZING pictures!

    I absolutely love that last one!

    And it’s ironic you posted about cherry blossoms because over the weekend I took a bunch of photographs of the white cherry blossom trees, here in the city. Aren’t they gorgeous trees? Reminds me of my time living in Japan 🙂

    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  4. Stunning! I agree with the first comment above …. the talent for spotting the beauty is as important as the camera. Rain or not, these are amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing — pictures and thoughts!


  5. I’m happy you took your camera into the city also, just so that we could see these exquisite photographs! Thanks so much LadyFi. They are all truly stunning.


  6. Seing these, I think it’s not the camera but the person behind it that makes all the difference. Your compositions are fantastic, Fi. Those blossoms lift my spirits (which have been bogged in cold and snow). So glad you ventured out in the rain.


  7. Beautiful!! Don’t get me wrong, you have great technical skills, but the eye is what makes great photographs, and you have it.


  8. Gorgeous blossom and especially wonderful in the rain! I love the close-up shot and the canopy of flowers overhead. What a wonderful visit to Stockholm!


  9. I saw some interesting cherry trees this weekend. They had both colours!
    The pink one on the white host. All trees were grafted this way.
    Only one tree had white clone grafted on pink host, so I guess that’s my favourite one. 🙂


  10. You did a great job of capturing the density and beauty of these blossoms. Whatever camera you used, it captured some fine shots.


  11. Such magnificent shots of the cherry blossoms.
    I just came back from a walk and saw a tree here in full bloom with cherry blossoms … how I love the spring time


  12. just exquisite … i visited Ohio last weekend and saw the Redbud trees in bloom .. they are gorgeous but don’t compare to these ..


  13. Så nydelige bilder. Jeg besøkte Stockholm tidlig i mai for 10 år siden og fikk se noen av trærne i blomst. Men dette var virkelig et fantastisk syn!


  14. I would love to walk under that canopy! Such a beautiful abundance of cherry blossom.


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