Stormy beauty

It’s been hard taking photos as the sun sets around 11 pm

And rises again at about 2.30 in the morning – and even then it’s never really dark.

Sometimes, however, you get lucky —

A cold front comes in, the fleece goes on —

And you go out to enjoy the beauty

Of a summer storm.

Midsummer rain copy

For more beauty, please visit: Skywatch.

100 thoughts on “Stormy beauty

  1. our sunsets are getting later and later and sunrises earlier but never as late/early as your’s or as pretty


  2. Oh yes, nature can be very beautiful while it is wild!
    Wonderful picture, as all on your blog!
    Have a happy time and all the best from Austria


  3. This looks wonderful, as always. In North Norfolk we are little bit more south and the nights are longer, but the evenings are long and we love the twilight at this time of the year.


  4. Glorious skies, colors and terrific capture as always!! Truly breathtaking!! Not sure how well I would adjust to such short nights!!! Have a great weekend!


  5. I’d completely forgot that you lived… up there! 🙂 Yes, you’re having long days now. How do you manage to go to sleep? Mind you in winter it’s the other way around. How do you manage to wake up? 🙂 Beautiful photos.

    Greetings from London.


  6. Magic. Here at the moment the sun has retired to bed by five, and drags himself out again (reluctantly) at around seven the following morning.
    Hooray for your cold front and storm.


  7. Such a stunning image Fi….the combination of heavy storm filled sky and deeply vivid reflections is delightful.
    And yes I’m missing those sunrises and sunsets….although you have even longer light than we do 🙂


  8. I must admit to being a little envious of your long days When I once spent my summers in the North as a boy, those longest nights were put to go use. Fishing long into the next day. Or up early, on our bikes and down the hydro tower corridor to pick blue berries with the old female bear waited , so we thought, in the blush summer light of dawn.

    Storms in the summer sky, we seem to see them as invaders but I suppose in actuality a storm is simple an mood of the sky we gaze into.


  9. Oh that’s such a stunning image, Fiona. I love the colours you capture in your world. So nice to have all those hours of daylight. It’s the flip side I wouldn’t like very much.


  10. Fiona, How do you do it !!!! Your photos are just amazing. That has to be one of the most beautiful photos ever. The color is wonderful and the composition with the tower, the trees, and the lake is just perfect. Mickie 😉


  11. Just what we are experiencing, but not photographing so beautifully, in Alaska. I feel so stupid, because I didn’t realize that Sweden would also have such long nights . Now that I think about it of course you do. (When I was in school I spent Geography class with a comic book hidden in the pages I was supposed to be following.)


  12. I remember that midnight sun when I lived in Labrador. We had to cover out windows to be able to go to sleep while the sun was still out. Your lake shot is simply gorgeous!


  13. Was just about to comment how you come up with so many pink shots – till I read your text! I don’t know if I would want to sacrifice my time… (which means you can tell photography is not my real passion!


  14. We have long days too, but not quite as long as yours. 🙂 And I never seem to find such beautiful skies either. Maybe I need to look harder. 🙂


  15. Gorgeous colours, esp. as mixed in the reflection. We used to live much further north too (not quite as far as you) and it was always amazing in summer (a little less so in the winter ;>)


  16. 3 and a half hours of semi darkness! In the Winter time it must really drag all that darkness and only a tiny amount of light.
    However, the picture now is really outstanding. I expect you feel you need to make the most of every moment the sun shines.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May


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