England, my England

I’m still away in England, so thought it was appropriate to show you some of the sights that make me sigh.

Cream tea in a lush, green garden

And thatched cottages from a bygone era.

Cottage copy

My sister lives in a quaint old village

With lanes full of houses dating back

To Shakespeare’s time.

Old street

And last but not least, how I love

The rolling golden countryside

Of the South Downs!


For more charming places, please visit: Our World.

I’m still away so won’t be able to visit. Back very soon!

69 thoughts on “England, my England

  1. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be charmed by an old English village like this one! It brings back such wonderful memories of our two trips there to visit our friends who lived near and took us to the South Downs. I especially love the thatched roof – the cottage of my dreams has one. 🙂 Nice job capturing the seagull as s/he flew through the frame in your second photo!

    Enjoy the rest of your visit!


    1. Wow, three little letters can make all the difference. That first sentence should have read, “It would be extremely difficult… NOT to be charmed by an old English village”!!! I think I might need caffeine. 😉


  2. I love the street scene. I lived in England for a couple of years when I was young and I have loved those villages ever since. I’m glad you are having a good time with your sister.


  3. How wonderful it must be to live in one of those little magical cottages.

    I fee the same way as you, Lady Fi.

    I can NEVER get enough of England!

    I’ve always wanted to visit Bath. Xx


  4. Oh, what a beautiful village your sister lives in! I am not surprised you love the look of it. I’m so glad you are enjoying your trip and hope the bad weather is passing you by!


  5. Thanks for sharing your trip with us – marvellous olde worlde looking – hopefully modernised a little bit for modern living.
    Take care
    visiting from Our World


  6. Wow that first one looks like our houses of old, and at the tip of our country of some difficult to reach islands are stone houses like that one but with very thick walls because they are literally in the typhoon path. I guess those type of roof is changed very often. Maybe it lasts longer in temperate countries like yours.


  7. It boggles the mind, the reams of history which has unfolded in this island country and the depth to which it has influenced the world as we know it. Still, the patina of centuries shines through the brightest. Quint, quiet and charming. The moss on wood shakes, half buried stone fence rows the remnants of waves to which peasant farms drowned in. I can hear the echoes of your steps on stone paths and walks, blend in with those William Shakespeare……..when you England, you really do England!


  8. How lovely of your sister to move somewhere like this -;>)…such a perfect place, like something out of a nursery tale. Anyplace would be a good one to have a cream tea (in my opinion) but it would be magic here.


  9. Glad that you’re having a great time in England. I can’t help but notice the net on the thatched roof (first photo). We have lots of thatched huts in my country and sometimes we also put nets on the roof to keep them from being damaged by strong winds.


  10. Fantastic! There are times when I miss the English countryside with fields that go on forever, hedgerows full of wild blackberries, thatched cottages, pretty little villages and a cream tea in the local tea room. Your photos are a step back in time for me. I really need to get back to England for a visit 🙂


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