Summer stillness


That perfection of long summer evenings

And mosquito bites

AB 2 and Oscar

When it never really gets dark

And there is plenty of time

For skimming stones,


For gazing

At the deepening colours in the sky

AB 2 sunset

And for enjoying the still reflection

Of clouds in the water

And peace in the heart.

Clouds in water

For more summer peace, please visit: Skywatch.

86 thoughts on “Summer stillness

  1. a great sunset again. You have lots of them. But this time it seems like you had a storm earlier with all those sticks laying there.

    Havn´t been skimming stones for years. Maybe I try it again a still day.


  2. Som presvedčená, že miluješ ružovú oblohu. Ja tiež. Veľa tvojich fotografií s oblohou má práve túto farbu. Nádherné.

    I believe that you love pink sky. Me too. A lot of your photos with just a sky that color. Beautiful.


  3. So similar to our own lakes here. We got out on the water to kayak some lakes and streams last night for my birthday. The mosquitoes are worth it! Beautiful shots – happy summer solstice to you this week!


  4. I truly felt I was here while reading these words. So serene. You have a way of taking us there with you through your pictures and writing. TYhank you 🙂


  5. MONUMENTAL!………definite big Grunt! from here. Shweeeet interplay between the magical paradisaical realm and natural realm. Am sure that makes sense to you.


  6. Your children (and Oscar) must love this time of year. I’m wondering if the lake water remains cold? I’ve only ever seen Oscar brave enough to swim in it! The sunset on the water is magnificent.


  7. today is the summer solstice and we’ll have sunlight til 10 pm … i cant imagine how that would be everyday … as for mosquitos … they love me, ugh


  8. I’m having a hectic day – thank you for this “Moment of Zen” in the midst of it! 🙂 These photos really do embody tranquility and radiate peace.


  9. Ik kan weer een reactie achterlaten, ik heb mijn gmail aan gepast, voor heen kon ik geen reactie achterlaten.
    Mooie fotoserie.


  10. Excellent set of images! I like the soft pink and blue colors, which provide an added sense of tranquility to the calm surface of the water. The last shot was my favorite. great job!


  11. Oh how wonderful. I can’t wait until we have a dock of our own.. in just a few weeks. Mine will be sunrises though. I can only hope they’ll be half as beautiful as the wonders in your world.


  12. OMG, this is the most beautiful post have seen for a long time1 Absolutely stunning images. It’s always a tremendous joy to watch Oscar and your fine work. Ha en riktig god sommer! 🙂


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