91 thoughts on “The disappearing act

  1. GORGEOUS shots!! It is amazing how quickly the ice is disappearing but what is strange is the little pond of water in front of our house still has ice on it, while the giant Mjøsa lake has become totally liquid again!!! Strange!!


  2. I’ve heard that in parts of Alaska, there are big parties to celebrate the first open water. Seems appropriate for a most welcome sign of impending spring.

    Great skies, too!


  3. At last! It seems to have been a long, cold winter. I know you’re used to it but it must be a pleasant change, if not a relief, to sense warmer days ahead:-)


  4. Your ice is gone..my goodness it must be warm there or the wind is blowing! You are way ahead of us this year. We are still cold and it snowed again yesterday..I suppose when the weather breaks it will be ninety degrees right away:(


  5. Stunning photos. What always surprises me too, is how Yesterday those cold winter months are in our memories.


  6. Change from winter to spring/summer is always dramatic. I think in your parts even more so, because it is so long awaited. Like us too. Except we wait for the rain, after a long winter.


  7. What beautiful photographs! We are going through a similar thaw…well, at times. Makes sping and summer all the more special : )


  8. Thanks for visiting and commenting. It was great to meet one of the blogging family! I hope to see more this year as I am staying at home this summer.Have a great Easter weekend.


  9. Hurray!!! Spring is finally arriving in Sweden and I am looking forward to your photography during this season…
    Oh, yes! Bring on the sunshine, the flowers, the birds and the bees! Oh, wait NO BEES for you, my
    friend, unless you promise a wonderful post like that last one!!


  10. Beautiful shots… reminds me of a commercial I saw a looong time ago… a lil girl & her dad were sitting under a big oak tree behind their house in a field & the sun was setting… the daddy said, “Going, going, gone” as the sun set behind the hill & the lil girl said… DO IT AGAIN, DADDY! LoL!

    I don’t remember what the commercial was selling though… =)


  11. Happy Easter to all from
    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<
    Anya 🙂




  12. “Change can be beautiful” I’ll try to take those words to heart. The colors of light in your photos is so amazing.


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