Fog, framed

Quite a few of my photo albums reflect the weather.

They have names like ‘frosty fun’, ‘snow – early’, ‘November snow’ and ‘more snow than you thought possible’.

They talk about ice, chill factor freezing and long winter walks.

I don’t think it will surprise you then to learn that these photos come from the album:

Freezing fog and frostbitten fingers.

But just look at the view – those cold fingers were certainly worth it.

For more cool shots, please visit: Skywatch.

85 thoughts on “Fog, framed

  1. Dear Fi: There is something about the composition of the first photo that absolutely mesmerizes me…the tones of the sky,hipnotize!!
    Even I would freeze my fingers to see this in person!!! You are a camera genius!!


  2. The colors in the first one are an obvious hit! The unusual burnished color that is filtering down through the the tree limbs is so unusual looking. I don’t know if I’ve seen the sky quite that color before… Stunning!


  3. Love the caption, love the images – they are absolutely stunning and I lack words to describe how beuatiful they are. All I can say is – wow!…


  4. I don’t know what is wrong with me but as soon as I saw the second picture, you know what my first thought was? What the heck is that man doing being buried under the snow? See, what I think you meant as the dog I thought was a man’s head sticking out of the snow.

    I need help, I know.


  5. Your photos are so terrific, I had to put on another sweater just to look at them! Fantastic captures as always, ladyfi! And as always, thank you for sharing them and for being a part of Sky Watch!! Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm! But take lots more photos!



  6. I don’t like fog because I turn the light on. When I stop the car, and shut the door and forget to turn the light off. When I go home, I can’t start the car. Not nice in the cold winter.

    This every happen to you?


    1. No – in Sweden we have to have the lights on all the time so that they are switched on and off automatically as you turn the engine on and off… Pretty smart!


  7. Definitely worth it. Of course, they’re your fingers, but since you said it first, I can only agree. Gorgeous photos, worth the pain and effort!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  8. Yup, that first pic does it for me, can’t really describe the feeling but i’ve been here for 10mins or so just looking!….. says it all I guess, thank you so much for giving me 10mins peace!….:) look forward to more!…:)


  9. I am in love with that first photo. It looks like a place I would want to walk right into and see what happens. It looks like magical things could happen in a place like that.


  10. Magnificent, you captured moments that are indeed highlights of the cold season!

    Congratulations on winning the Post of the Week Award!

    To wonderful photography and the beauty of the seasons,


  11. Absolutely beautiful photos and absolutely worthy of top POTW! A picture is worth a thousand words is exactly the perfect description for this post. Congratulations.


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