Misty dog

Our world is now white and icy – covered in a blanket of silent snow.

But only a few weeks ago, November put on a display of misty rainbow magic.

The frosted jetty, a wet dog

And a glorious morning sky lost in mist and water.

For more magical moments, please visit: Skywatch.

61 thoughts on “Misty dog

  1. The top reflection reminds me of a Rorschach, Fi. I hope Oscar isn’t contemplating going into that cold water, but knowing Goldens, he probably is!


  2. Your dog must love icy water. I wonder what he’s do in the Gulf of Mexico. Beautiful shots as usual. I just ordered a new Sony camera, but the “easy” kind, and can’t wait to receive it. My old Kodak is so old.


  3. Breathtaking, gorgeous capture as always! You do manage to catch the feeling, the beauty, the moment! And I love Oscar! Have a wonderful weekend! Make the most of the moment, every moment!



  4. Your slide show is fabulous, and the dog is one handsome dog. The snow hasn’t arrived in my neck of the woods yet, but this week-end I think we are to get one to three inches of the beautiful white stuff.


  5. Your photos are always breathtaking but this one is really lovely.
    I wonder what pets really think of the snow & ice because their feet must get really freezing?
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May


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