Wear it like a crown

We had the biggest snowfall every recorded

In November over the past 111 years.


Mist rose from the ground

As the storm raged on.


Autumn leaves continued to fall

After it stopped snowing – creating

A curious mix of winter and autumn (wintumn).


It was a struggle to get down to the beach

To enjoy snowy views.


Trees turned into Japanese paintings

With graceful curved branches

Wearing the gift of snow like a crown.


For more tales of snow or no snow, please visit: Our World.

88 thoughts on “Wear it like a crown

  1. reminds me of the horrible wet snow we had last October that brought down trees because they’d not shed all their leaves and the weight was too great … beauty can be so dangerous

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG, I am in awe by how much snow you got already this year, Fiona?!? I have say, I’ve jealous because I am so looking forward to our first snowfall this winter.

    Glorious photographs! That last one is a MASTERPIECE! Stunning captures!

    Have a lovely week, my friend, and thanks for sharing the beauty!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow! I am not used to see the words November and snow together. I have never seen snow like this. You can tell I am not a fan of cold weather. #OurWorldTuesday

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The last pic is so painterly! The biggest snowfall – it becomes more and more clear, global warming was just a fantasy.
    (don’t know if you heard of the UN official who recently admitted that the scare of global warming was “to kill capitalism.”)
    Thank you for visiting my blog and keep warm this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Our temperatures have been dropping, but only lots of rain so far. Last year we never saw snow at our cabin, a rare occurrence. Global warming? But I hear this winter is going to be much colder. – Margy

    Liked by 1 person

  6. OMG those are so spectacular! I haven’t seen them in person, but maybe i cannot withstand the cold, haha. Isn’t it too early for snow to be flown in your area? I have been to Sweden, but only in spring Lund to Stockholm to Uppsala.

    Liked by 1 person

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