
A couple of weeks ago, I was at my brother’s wedding

And enjoyed layers of love.

(This is my favourite shot from the day – just after the wedding ceremony was finished.)


At the end of the day, I went for a lovely walk

And met these newly shorn creatures, who had just lost their layers of fur.

They seemed to be saying, “Alpaca my bags and come along with you.”


And, finally, the sunset did not disappoint

As I enjoyed the little village

Nestling in layers of gold.

Layers both conceal and reveal the beauty within.


For more golden moments, please visit: Our World.



82 thoughts on “Layers

      1. I used to post for skywatch partly because I love capturing sunrise but I stopped as I found practically no interactions flowing from there. Lots of Google Blogger platform participants… May be! So looking for some good platform where interaction takes place. I guess your recommendations does mean a lot!


      2. As I mentioned above I used to post on skywatch and also visit and comment on their post but somehow it never worked. without interactions, you lose interest.


  1. And I can so see WHY that photo is your favorite because it just glows with LOVE! You can actually feel it!

    “They seemed to be saying, “Alpaca my bags and come along with you.”

    I laughed out loud at that! Brilliant! Don’t llamas have the cute face?

    And that final shot is absolutely stunning! Took breath away.

    A big CONGRATS to your brother and his wife!

    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  2. Hello, these are all lovely images. Congrats to your brother and SIL! The alpacas are so cute. The layers on the last shot are just beautiful, gorgeous scene. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!


  3. The first and last pictures are simply stunning… and prove that you are a versatile photographer — wonderful with any kind of subject. The alpacas are really sweet — there is something about those eyes… (and i saw what you did there with that pun — saw and smiled)….


  4. You captured such beautiful moments, ladyfi. The first image tells a heart-warming story behind it. My belated happy wedding wishes to them. The last scenery is breathtaking, one of my favorites among your wonderful shots.



  5. Oh God that is a spectacular view, so very beautiful. I saw one photo same as this of Bagan, Myanmar and with the hot air balloons on top of the landscape! Amazing moments.


  6. I hope you’re making an album for them. That first photo is full of story. The child makes it really special. Looks like you had a golden time, Fi.


  7. The wedding pic is so lovely – a lovely moment captured. And the scenery around there – just captivating. Love the alpacas and the looks on their faces. 🙂


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