
I had time for some lovely walks up on the West Sussex Downs while I was in England.

My first walk was wet and drizzly,

But I loved the way the countryside looked in the mist.

The sheep look a bit ram-bunctious, don’t they?


The next day, the sun broke through

And made the sky and hills sing.

How’s this for a lovely picture of friend-sheep?

Rays on sheep

This adorable creature stared at me for ages —

I loved the way she was bathed in sun rays.

And wool ewe just look at that sweet face?

I’ll go out on a lamb, and say that you’ve had

Enough of my baaa-d jokes!

Here's looking at ewe

For fewer puns and more gorgeous skies, please visit: Skywatch.

97 thoughts on “Sheepish

  1. OMG Fiona, each one of these photographs is FAB-U-LOUS! I love the misty one especially because that’s my favorite kind of day (and it’s actually like that here today). And I love how you caught the sheep staring at you in the final two photos. They’re brilliant! You are so talented with the camera, my friend!

    “And wool ewe just look at that sweet face?”

    HA! Loved that!

    Have a super day!


  2. Beautiful photos! I loved your play on words too. Sheep are a favourite of mine to see and photograph and we don’t have many sheep farms in New Brunswick. I remember seeing fields of sheep in England and got some photos of them. Have a lovely day.


  3. I do love the sheep!!! And I agree with Barb, the ewe does look fascinated with you!! Beautiful captures for the day, as always and, thanks, as always for sharing the fun and the beauty with us!!


  4. Ewe! So baa-d it’s good! I had to put that dash in there, spell check kept correcting it, apparently it doesn’t like puns. The pictures are really lovely … And the fact that you had time for walks and still have your sense of humor intact means, I hope, that things went OK.


  5. I hadn’t been on my blog since adding my last skywatch pictures. Saw your nice comments and wanted to say thank you. Love these pictures of the sheep. On the first one there is blue coloring on rear end of one of the sheep–I imagine that is to show who needs to be sheared? Hopefully, I really saw the blue color. 🙂 The face of the one was priceless–staring at you as if to make sure you got her in good light. 🙂 Very peaceful atmosphere.


  6. i adore the mist and those beautiful rays of sun, i often can’t capture them, even though i can see them!!!!!


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