Chasing planes

My daughter and I were enjoying a beautiful sunset together a few days ago —

And she was practising using my ‘big’ camera

When we suddenly saw a floating line of geese.


They seemed to be chasing an airplane.


The geese flew away over the trees

And the plane flew right on up to infinity.

Photos by my talented daughter; editing by me = Teamwork!

to infinity

For more great shots, please visit: Skywatch.

80 thoughts on “Chasing planes

  1. What a BRILLIANT capture, Fiona! And BRAVA to a wonderful collaboration between you and your daughter!

    The colors in these shots are magnificent!

    Have a super weekend, my friend!


  2. I enjoy both the photos and your words. You must feel both joyful and proud that your daughter is taking an interest in learning photography skills. She is already producing some fine shots!


  3. Ah, like mother, like daughter!! Hooray!! And what gorgeous, colorful skies!! Thanks, as always, for sharing the beauty!!


  4. Beautiful! Your daughter is a natural..who knows..maybe she will end of loving photography like you do!


  5. it’s genetic!!!
    beautiful photos, so funny the capture of the birds after the airplane… i hope this doesnt mean they’re already flying to warm countries which would mean the end of summer.


  6. Vakkert og poetisk, tenk om jeg kunne få oppleve flere slike solnedganger! Men denne sommeren har ikke gitt meg mange slike stunder, tror jeg emigrerer snart 🙂

    God helg!


  7. Gorgeous skies, and hooray teamwork!!
    I paddled to the middle of an empty lake and read a book last night, under the setting sun, while my family fished and played. I couldn’t think of a better place to be!


  8. No question they we’re chasing the plane, tiny sparrows chase big bad eagles bravado. Photographs don’t lie!!! And speak only the truth as it is abstracted. Good shtufffs.


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