He ain’t heavy – he’s my brother

My children.

They make my life complete.

And my daughter turned twelve a few days ago… Sigh – they grow up too fast, don’t they?

I’m off to the little cottage by the sea again – HURRAY! – so won’t be around to visit you all. Back in a few days.

He ain't heavy copy

For more adorable-ness, please visit: Our World Tuesday.

67 thoughts on “He ain’t heavy – he’s my brother

  1. Your children are SO beautiful, Fiona!! And what a terrific capture for the day! A very Happy, Happy Birthday to your delightful daughter! How blessed we are to have them to enrich our lives each and every day!! I feel that way about all four of mine!!


  2. They do grow so fast, Fi. My oldest grandchildren will spend time with us before school. I don’t think they need me to hold their hands anymore when we go on hikes! Yours are beautiful.


  3. Beautiful, beautiful photo. I love the softness. And yes – they grow up too fast! Our twin boys will be 16 this fall. Crazy.
    Have a wonderful, peaceful time!


  4. You have the sweetest looking family! That’s a picture worth framing- although where is Oscar??? Cheers, Danette


  5. Sweet sentiments and I feel the same way about my own child, all grown up and married now. He is still my child 🙂 This is also a very sweet photo of your children and a belated Happy Birthday to your daughter. Wishing you all a lovely time at the little cottage by the sea. It sounds idyllic.


  6. By the look on big sister’s face he’s definitely not heavy….. beautifully captured moment in time.


  7. You have the most beautiful children, and it’s been fun to watch them grow up on the blog.



  8. I don’t have children, but I still know of what you speak – because whenever I see a parent friend after an absence of some time, I nearly always end up asking, “So how is Junior/Juniorette, is s/he in kindergarten yet?” only to be told, “No, s/he’s about to graduate from high school!” It’s just so different with dogs, you don’t tend to notice the passage of time quite so dramatically! 🙂

    Your daughter is becoming a lovely young lady – please pass along a very happy belated birthday to her! And what an affectionate kid brother she has – such a sweet, sweet photo!


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