The cup of wonder

Sometimes, in the midst of our routine lives,

The mist parts

To reveal something so gorgeous

So wondrous

That we just have to stop and gaze

And let our hearts swell with the feeling of reverence

And joy.

I am always thankful for the reminder

To stop a while

And drink from the cup of wonder.

For more wonder, please visit: Our World and Skywatch.

I’m away making the most of the last week of the summer holidays, so please excuse my absence!

Don’t forget to enter my give-away here, if you want to…

115 thoughts on “The cup of wonder

  1. Dream like photos!! If I stand here, I will forget all worry and cares. Just I will gaze at wonder of nature and keep standing. I love especially the third. I wish I were here at this gorgeous moment.


  2. I’ll drink from ‘that cup’ any day! And thanks Fiona for your inspirational insights. Have a lovely holiday.


  3. You did indeed take my breath away this morning, Fiona! Incredible look at your beautiful world. Sometimes all it takes is one of those magical moments to help us see/feel the beauty of our world!


  4. Wow—that is AWESOME… That first picture especially just took my breath away…. Talk about WONDER…. Talk about reverence…. That what it is all about… Thanks for sharing.


  5. The lifting of the mist has always been a profound symbol for me – the awakening of deeper perception and sight. These images of yours are magnificent and certainly stir that very thing in me. The clouds in the top image are majestic and awe-inspiring. Thanks for a feast of vision.


  6. Yes, a spectacular series of shots – and many share your sentiments. How different our world seems when we practice our skills of observation and appreciation for what surrounds us. Thanks for sharing your gifts and may the rest of your holidays “top up your tank” ! (Thanks for visiting my blog too)


  7. Such a gorgeous landscape in mist, I just love it! 🙂 and the birds flying..Lovely!
    I’ve made my blog private, so if you want to visit me, send me your email address, I would be happy! 🙂

    Have lovely August days!


  8. The reminder is wonderful,perfect . And I know all of you are enjoying the last of Summer Holidays. (And shouldn’t you have another month or so off ;>)? Looks so much like here in Oregon, where, really, summer weather has just begun!


    1. School ended at the end of June and goes back next week – quite a long holiday anyway! And hard for us parents to take that much time off work too… but oh yes, I’d love another month or three of holiday!


  9. These are fantastic photos. I love the sentiments you’ve captured also because that is just how I feel when I come across the wonder of nature and life in the day to day .


  10. All of them too good! I can not choose which is the favorite…it is calming here at this place you have created, it is a nice escape to take our mind off of the news of the day, you really can capture the right light.


  11. And the “cup of wonder” was overflowing this time. Your photos are utterly amazing–they should be in magazines for thousands to see and enjoy. You have a talent for finding and capturing the most beautiful things. Thank you. Have a great weekend. Mickie 🙂


  12. Oh my.. any visit by herons is a gift… but this scene is just an absolute wonder. Gorgeous shots, Fi.


  13. Congratulations on being named POTW!!!

    Very deserving I might add. I love the first image…. the cup is indeed wondrous!


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