London skies

We arrived back yesterday so the house is full of unpacked cases and tired kids.

Of course, I have to keep my priorities straight by showing you some of the lovely dramatic skies that met us on our trip to England.

We had a fabulous day in London

And heard Big Ben tolling the hour.

The tower and spiky turrets against the dark clouds

Gave the buildings a wonderful Gothic feeling.

Peeking around the corner from the Houses of Parliament

Was the newly cleaned Westminster Chapel.

And, of course, with the Olympics starting on Friday

The view of London Bridge (and The Shard on the right)

Seems highly appropriate.

For more Gothic views, please visit: Skywatch.

93 thoughts on “London skies

  1. hello, lady fi… the Big Ben is welcoming you and your company, is why. it’s tolling harder than usual, didn’t you hear? ^^ “of course, i have to keep my priorities straight.” lol, you remember us, soon enough. between the blaring Olympics and your faithful readers, i guess there’s no question as to which holds more value, haha…

    btw, i love your first photo – it really gives out the gothic feeling, one feels that the Addams family is coming out any minute now, lols… and, it’s my first time to behold the London Bridge (in a photo) in that distance – not so huge and imposing. just the right proportion and perspective, huh? thank you for posting… you and your love ones have a great time in London! regards 😉


  2. The images are wonderful. London is such a special place – my favourite city. Those skies are magnificent. They remind me of Turner’s work. I don’t think any other artist has caught the skies of England like him.


  3. Fantastic capture and the cloudy sky rocks! You should have been there checking the opening of Olympics… but glad u could check the city on nearing the grand competition.


  4. oh wow these are gorgeous….i so want to go and you gave me a little more reason to want to…welcome home and i hope that life settles back well for you….so cool though…


  5. I love your captures for the day, Fiona! The shot of Big Ben is fantastic! Hope you had a great trip, but I’m sure it feels good to be home again! Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Hi There, Beautiful photos of London. I know that people there are very excited now due to the Olympics. I am going to watch as much of it as I can…. I always enjoy them!!!!!

    Get some rest as you unpack…


  7. Ah, I read above that you are back home, Fiona. Smart you. I was going to ask whether you were a fan of the Olympics, since not being fond of big crowds, no amount of money could you get me to London this month. But I’m happy to see these moody images of iconic London again through your talented lens. Hope you and yours had a lovely home visit.


  8. wow, that shot of Big Ben is awesome! What a joy it must have been to see all of these sights, you’ve captured them beautifully. happy week to you Fiona.


  9. beautiful shots. Hope you didn’t get rained on too much and so glad we ranked in your list of priorities. -Danette


  10. Great composition and post processing. I’ve been post processing my grey skies a lot recently, but this week is an exception as the sun came out with a properly blue sky.


  11. Hi Fiona, good idea to get home before the games begin. I love to watch them, but like you from the comfort of my sofa and with many cups of tea that I don’t have to pay mega dollars for! Not to mention the crowds. Sounds like you had a fun visit though, your daughter and Oscar were very mischievous in the previous post, fun times. Fabulous images of London, so much history there, looking forward to seeing more. I bet Oscar was pleased to see you home, hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  12. The clouds were a perfect backdrop, Fi – the Shard looks like it’s piercing one of them. I’ve heard it’s been rainy in England. Enjoy the rest of your summer back home. Was Oscar glad to see you all?


  13. So much has changed since I was last in London. It looks so different. Love your picture of Big Ben and the sky. The perspective is great. Also, Westminster Chapel really does look clean. I bet that was a big job. Thanks for a walk down memory lane. genie


  14. Hello! Thanks for dropping by my place. I would love to go to London some day. I work for a doctor and he and his family have spent 3 Thanksgvings there. They love it!


  15. I’ve just now scrolled down and up and seen all of your lovely photos! I enjoyed much to see London, I remember I visited Embankment one time, I should have gone and visit that City, but… I’m slow ;D

    Thanks for sharing all these photos here, I enjoyed much to see them! 🙂


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