9/11 Memorial

For many, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were an essential part of the New York skyline.

That emptiness is now commemorated in the 9/11 Memorial that opened recently at Ground Zero.

The actual footprints of the towers themselves have been turned into reflecting pools featuring the largest man-made waterfalls in North America.

In the centre of each pool, there is what seems to be a dark bottomless pit:

Those deep holes made me strangely emotional.

Perhaps because they seem to signify the emptiness and futility of lives lost, of love wasted and of senseless hatred.

Near the pools, you can see the new Freedom Tower rising up into the sky.

My hope is that the new memorial will celebrate hope and light.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

— Martin Luther King

For more stories, please visit: Our World.

81 thoughts on “9/11 Memorial

  1. Beautiful words… and images.
    I have seen the Twin Towers twice and each visit was very special to me. The last one was made with my sister in 96, I believe I posted a picture on FB of me and my sister from that trip, but taken on top of the Empire State building. We bot recall the foggy, misty weather on top of that tower, only to have full sunshine and wind still a few hours later when atop of one of the Twin Towers. We lingered there for a long time…


  2. A beautiful post …moving. I have never been there…before or after. It does hold a part inside of me though. Thanks for sharing your pictures and thoughts.


  3. Such a beautiful and moving post! That day is etched in my memory. Your captures and words are superb. Thank you! May we never forget! And may we never cease to make the effort to replace hate with love.



  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.. I want to get to NYC one of these days to see the 9/11 memorial.. I could cry just seeing your pictures and reading the words. It was such a senseless loss of so many lives. That last quote by Martin Luther King is incredible… We need to keep the LIGHT shining all around us, and we need to keep sharing the LOVE always…

    Don’t we wish that all love was as wonderful as Oscar’s love for you is!!!!


  5. Beautiful photos of such a somber place (have not been in person yet). Overwhelming. Hope the tower does offer peace and freedom. Sometimes I can still see the smoke…


  6. Your first two photos are both very moving, each in it’s own way. They are some of the best pictures from the memorial that I’ve seen. I also like your photo of Freedom Tower.


  7. The memorial is on my bucket list.

    I visit the Oklahoma City Memorial commerating the lives lost during the Murrah bombing and I just can’t fathom why. The 9/11 losses were more than 20 times more, and just as bewildering.


  8. Lovely shots of the 9/11 memorial. I have only seen it on TV and now your photos. Neat shot of the new tower. It will be a day I will never forget. Thanks for sharing your visit. Have a lovely week!


  9. I want to see this for myself but your photos are amazing. I think they did a wonderful job with the memorial. It seems very appropriate and moving.


  10. I can’t wait to visit and experience this firsthand. I’m sure you can’t even begin to fathom the greatness of where the buildings once stood, or the massive destruction and pain left in their the shadow of their memory until you visit. Thanks for sharing.


  11. those first two images, amazing….i had no idea they’d done this at Twin Towers….beautiful….you’re beyond amazing in the professional category 🙂


  12. Lady Fi,

    Thank you so much for these stunning pictures. As you know, I lived in New York from the mid 70’s till the mid 80’s before I relocated to the greater Washington D.C. area, chasing a career opportunity. More than ten years past that dreadful day, and I still can become emotional about it – having lost a friend that day. I’ve blogged about a few times now, and have some pictures we took while we lived there.

    New York State of Mind

    Once again, thank you for gracing us with your gift of capturing emotion with your pictures. After all is said and done, I find the Waterfall collapsing into the void to be a most moving and a fitting memorial tribute.


  13. As a Swedish I will always remember that day, the day when one of the most horrendous happened. It was a few days before my mother died of cancer and I was with her. She cried out loud to me because this was when she saw the news. She saw it in real time, she got me see it in real time when she called me.
    So pointless. We hope that the victims can come forward with their lives.This monument is beautiful.


  14. Those images and the history will always resonate strongly for me, too. My son knew then that he would most assuredly be called up for war. And he was, a bit later.


  15. That looks like a powerful memorial, the last time I was at ground zero it didn’t exist. I was on top of the Towers in late July of 2001 with my family.


  16. To see the actual site must be sobering effect on visitors. These simple shots convey the deep feeling. However, you never forget to remind us there’s always hope and love that inspire us.


  17. This is touching memorial. The last time I visit at ground zero it was not there. Your words soak my mind.


  18. The memorial will be my first stop WHEN I finally make it to NYC – I think they did an amazing job. The photos themselves move me. I can only imagine how it feels to stand there. Thanks for sharing these!


  19. Lovely quote from Martin Luther King! Perhaps right for the moment driving away hatred. The photos expresses the depth of the sorrow… Hope peace always hold there. Brilliant capture!


  20. It’s such a simple design that says so much emotionally. I’ve never been but hope to one day. Thanks for these wonderfully moving pictures.


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