Of loss, love and comfort

One glorious day last autumn, I was in a terrible mood and just needed to get out the house. As I was zooming off to the local churchyard with the dog and camera, I saw two tearful faces running behind the car.

Even though I’d been trying to escape their bickering in the first place, I stopped the car and the kids jumped in.

A remarkable peace fell over us as soon as we started looking at the graves.

Churchyards are all about love and loss —

About grief but also about those cherished years of life that went before.

The inscription on this gravestone says:

Tenderly loved,


And wept over.

We left the graveyard as friends, all petty arguments forgotten.

For the dead do offer the living some comfort:

A reminder that we only have this life

And it becomes what we make it.

“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” -Sri Chinmoy

For more stories, please visit: Our World.

79 thoughts on “Of loss, love and comfort

  1. I have written bout graveyards as well. I feel very much at peace in these spiritual place sand consider them at all times sanctuaries and I truly enjoyed this post.
    Beautiful imagery and such poignant writing…


  2. I agree with Mridula, it is indeed a comforting post in a strange, but beautiful way! A thoughtful and comforting way to begin my day! Love the quote by Chinmoy. I hope you a beautiful day!


  3. first, that heart pic is amazing….can i use it tomorrow for my valentines poem? with credit of course…

    i love cemetaries and often find peace there….we have a great city cemetary that has a walking path and lots of history that i go to often…


  4. “Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” -Sri Chinmoy

    Great quote. I shall use it again….

    You know what? I love sitting up at the Gravesite w/ Kay.

    We’ve planted flowers, hung chimes in her tree,
    & I know that she knows this.

    I feel absolute peace in that place…



  5. A beautiful marriage of words and images! I’ve always found graveyards to be beautiful places of peace … “for the dead do offer the living some comfort” ~ loved that ~ so true and so profound ~ Great post, Fiona 🙂


  6. I have not visited graveyards here in southern California. I think there is something special and more intimate about graveyards in Denmark, where my mother was buried.


  7. I agree whole heatedly with you on this – I find Graveyards very soothing and most interesting too.
    Lots of thoughts and feelings pass over oneself there.


  8. A favorite quote which fits your post: “We are all standing at the station. The train is always leaving and the soul checks it’s watch and wonders if its his time to go.” -David Beaird ‘Key West’ Lovely pics as always!


  9. A very moving post, Lady Fi! Life is precious as are the memories of those we have lost. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your world today!


  10. This post is so heartfelt. I’ve always loved graveyards and have never put it into words. Your post helps me understand the peace and love I feel when I wander amongst the graves. My favorite are small old family ones. ❤


  11. I love this post. This has been my experience of church yards and burial grounds and vast garden cemeteries. They put the moment in perspective and remind us it is a fleeting thing. And then there is the comfort of presence. Somehow, we are not alone. They are their and that solidarity is real. Whatever it is There is peace.

    So well said and illustrated. Thank you so much, friend.


  12. Perhaps this has been suggested earlier, but consider linking this post to Taphophile Tragics. You can find it via Sydney Eye. p.s. I’m glad you all found some comfort walking together your local cemetery.


  13. Lady Fi,
    Very interesting!! In Japan, I have hardly seen an inscription on a tombstone. Usually a family name is curved in the front face of thestone. I think if there were such an inscription on the tombstone, I think it would be nicer and more personal. I just felt that maybe in your country they show good individualism and in Japan good groupism. Thanks a lot for posting this!! As usual great photos!


  14. A very befitting post for the day! I live a few miles away from the Hollywood Cemetery (of the Stars) and I take photos there quite often.

    Beautiful words to go with your photos!


  15. I liked the quote a lot! So happy.
    Those are very cute objects captured and i hope the place has many such things.
    Hope the Valentine’s day went off happily for u 🙂


  16. I was amazed at the such good condition of the top gravestone, considering the dates on it. We visited an old Hamilton cemetery recently and were sad at the poor condition of the grave stones – most being late 1800’s to earl1900’s. – Dave


  17. A most beautiful post and wonderful pictures.

    Sometimes it takes the impact of death to make us realize what’s truly important.

    I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day sweetie!!!

    God bless and enjoy your day!!! :o)


  18. Reading Sri Chinmoy’s sentence. I remembered Mother Teresa’s words. It is not how much we do,
    but how much love we put in the doing.
    It is not how much we give,
    but how much love we put in the giving


  19. Cemeteries are a place to find peace and calming feelings. I do love cemeteries in Northern Europe, but not the ones we have here in Catalonia or Spain. Too crowded.


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