On thin ice

The snows have come at last! Along with the extreme cold…

It’s deceptive really, because you might think that the ice on the lake is thick enough to walk on.

One minute, you’re a dog blending in with the gold of the reeds…

… the next, you’re playing on the ice.

It’s thin enough to scare the wits out of your owner. She calls you back.

You try. There’s an ominous crack and your back legs slide into the water.

Luckily, it’s shallow and you make it back to land. You show your owner your icy bottom.

There doesn’t seem to be any harm done.

Quite the opposite.

Playing on thin ice seems to be invigorating.

(But it wreaks havoc with your owner’s nerves.)

So, it’s play on firm ground from now on…

… until the ice sets, that is.

For more thrilling stories, please visit: Camera Critters.

42 thoughts on “On thin ice

  1. Must get your knees shaking. Wonderful photos as always. You manage to make everything look light and fun, even though your words sometimes speak otherwise.


  2. Oscar is a good swimmer and has strong back legs..I am glad he got out OK..I can hear you hollering too..we had a cat that went in or was drug in once came back to the house looking like a catsickle..we had to blow dry him warm..that was the last time he went out on the ice at night:)


  3. The ice on our ponds isn’t thick enough either so we know how worried your owner is, Oscar. We’re glad it wasn’t a big, big scare and you only got a cold bottom 🙂


  4. I can imagine the feelings you go through while standing on the shore, and hearing that cracking ice…

    When we were young a good friend fell right through thin ice, one minute he was there, and the next gone. Thankfully the water was shallow enough that he got out quickly, but it sure scared us.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


  5. That last photo of Oscar – the contrast of his fur with winter white is so wonderful! Thank goodness the lake was shallow there. I’m afraid you would have plunged in to save him!


  6. That post made me shiver in both ways — Oscar’s adventure scared me and the thought of the snow and ice made me cold. I don’t know whether to wish for more cold and snow for you (for thicker ice) or to just wish that Oscar stays happy on the snowy fields away from the water.


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