A drop of kindness

Last weekend, my daughter and I went into Stockholm to the vernissage of the talented Maria-Thérèse.

As we got on and off various tubes, we saw buskers playing for money. My daughter opened her purse and gave some of her money to the first man, and then declared, “Let’s do three kind things today, mama!” This was easy as we found many more street artists to give coins to.

We finally emerged blinking into the grey light at Stockholm’s Old Town. And old it is with its alleys and cobbled streets dating back to the Middle Ages.

Suddenly – we saw him. A man kneeling on a coat, head exposed to cold air, hands together in prayer or supplication. He remained there kneeling, as tourists rushed by, totally immobile. A carved statue; a true medieval picture of poverty. His sunken eyes typical of those who cannot see too well.

We put some notes into his hat. I was glad to see that it was full of coins.

But it was a damp, cold day – with a chill that sneaked into your bones and stayed there.

I saw my daughter was almost in tears. “Shall we buy him a sandwich?” I suggested. “Yes, and a big hot coffee too,” she added.

As we returned to offer him our small gifts and exchange a few words, I saw a few people watching my daughter as she handed over the food.

They stopped, paused for thought – and then opened their purses to drop in some generous donations.

It really does seem true that if you carry the flame of kindness, you can help light it in others.

Or, as Beecher once said, “Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.”

For more kind stories, please visit: My World!

61 thoughts on “A drop of kindness

  1. beautiful post…and you touched more lives that day than you can probably imagine…love the architecture too…but it pales in comparison to compassion….


  2. Your daughter is learning from you to really see the world, and you shared your gift of sight with those around – and by speaking with the man, reminded him that there are those who see and respond to his humanity, even though many people rush by, too busy to look.


  3. Oh, you must be so proud of your daughter and the kindness that she keeps in her heart…
    Winter and particularly the holidays are such a difficult time for those who are homeless and in need. Even here in Scandinavia.
    If we all did just a little bit, we could make a difference…
    Lovely pictures of Stockholm’s old town.


  4. Your kind child reflects your family’s values, Fi. Sometimes small acts have large consequences. Good for her (and you)! I like the towering ancient buildings in Old Town.


  5. This post brought such sweetness to my heart Lady Fi for you’ve obviously been a wonderful role model for your lovely daughter. I hope others that saw her give him the sandwich and hot coffee felt the same and responded in kind.


  6. I love seeing kindness and compassion in children. Sorry to change the subject onto my son, but as you know, he’s now dressed in military uniform when he travels back to his school. The airlines wanted to give him a first class seat. Instead of taking it, he said, “Please can you give it to this man, he’s enlisted, and I’m not.” That made me proud, when he told me the story. Our kids are showing us their kindness.


  7. A fabulous example set by your daughter, you must have been very proud of her.

    The photos are great too – love that last one in particular, it goes so well with your words.


  8. This made me cry. Beautiful. Thank you for buying him food and hot coffee and sparking the giving spirit in others. Bless you and your daughter. XX


  9. You exemplify all that is good and beautiful in human beings. You are passing that on to your daughter and you inspire me. You give me reason to believe in the goodness of people and my life is brighter because of what your share, here, with us. Thank you!



  10. What a wonderful thing to do! You must be very proud of your daughter. And what a great mother you must be to have raised a daughter who is so compassionate and kind. 🙂


  11. Nice story! It was some time since I visited Stockholm now. As I moved away it does not happen to often nowadays. I loke the flower photo. And…..give an aditional hug to your daughter. 🙂


  12. Thank you for taking the time to care and share. Kindness is never wasted it always makes a difference. We reap what we sow.

    Happiness to you and yours,


  13. Many of us pass that hand in front of us, not wanting to offer when they can. They make silly excuses about a begger spending the money wrong, but to the person in need they will spend it right.Beautiful post from a lovely, caring family.


  14. What a lovely daughter you have. Sometimes it does take the eyes of the innocent to see something we’ve all become used to. Thank you for this beautiful post, Lady Fi 🙂


  15. Your story, your daughter’s natural kindness, and the quote all combined to warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes. A simple and loving gift.


  16. Hi! I would love to use your images in some work that I am arranging! Could you email me to chat further?


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