Now you see it, now you don’t…

At last, it made its appearance… fierce, bold and welcome.

There is something special about the glorious golden light of the first spring sun. Skin tingles with unaccustomed warmth and freckles pop up out of nowhere.

Spring is a time to kick off those shoes and socks, cuddle up with my best girl and enjoy the view while relaxing in the shade of a parasol.

I felt rested and yet full of energy. I could feel the light bubbling through my veins.

We have to enjoy these golden moments, these precious handfuls of happiness – because you never know what the next day will bring.

In our case, more snow!

For warmer climes, please visit: My World!

55 thoughts on “Now you see it, now you don’t…

  1. Don’t let that golden light fool you, Fi – it has worked its magic on me,too, only to turn its back on me! My advise, soak it up while it lasts!


  2. Nooooooooooo! not more snow. Friend of mine going fishing with friends in Norway today. Records 4 degree temperatures and snow… he says there might be more sauna, skat, and snaps than fishing going on.


  3. Now that is some interesting patio furniture!! But sure looks comfy and you look completely relaxed! What were those footprints in the snow? Oscar hunting birds again?? ;-)) Hope the sun comes back and STAYS…it’s glorious here also..and no snow so far- knock on wood…I think we might be done with the white stuff for at least six months…


  4. Such a happy post and the pictures are full of cheer. The sun has melted most of our snow for now, but we will have a bit more before it is done.


  5. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! did you really get more snow??!!!

    And I love the feet pic! I have one of me, my sis, my mom and Jess…just our feet. It is framed in my room! :o) Love feet pics!


  6. Beautiful bare feet..but I think you are rushing that season a bit..although your sunshine looks wonderful. Snow with bird tracks..that will jerk you back into reality! Hope it melted! 🙂


  7. Spring is sooo good at putting a smile on our faces. The sun just warms us to the bone.

    Have a happy day!
    The Blue Ridge Gal


  8. Ack you still have snow! Great pics.

    I wanted to let you know that I did indeed get your comments regarding the POTW and I will include those as your recommendations. Thank you so much for that. 🙂


  9. I’m jealous of your bare toes. Six inches of fresh snow in Butte America today. But at least it’s our first SPRING snow–heavy & wet as vs. the usual powder (aka “cold smoke”).


  10. I liked these words from your blog today: “We have to enjoy these golden moments, these precious handfuls of happiness – because you never know what the next day will bring.” – How true. A nice cheery blog Lady Fi. – Dave


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