Pretty please?

You may remember that I entered a photo of Oscar in a competition over at Communal Global.

Well, guess what? It was one of the ten finalists…

Apparently, I should have been voting every day – and getting my friends to vote too. (Apparently, the polls shut on Friday.)

I’m not competitive enough really. But I must secretly admit (Sssh! Don’t tell anyone!) that it would be nice to have a vote or two.

So, if you feel like swinging by the photo competition and voting for Oscar the Swedish Doggy – we would be honoured!

Oh, and your reward is a bag of cyber cookies with extra chocolate…

Pretty please?

32 thoughts on “Pretty please?

  1. DONE! And how long can we do this? I have a post about my dog, JoJo, and her new wheelchair. I’d love to add your link in and ask people to VOTE!! The post should be done by Saturday. I hope you WIN! 🙂


  2. I just voted. Fingers crossed that he wins!! Will vote again, tomorrow. Is that the last day? I’m just sorry I didn’t see this post sooner.


  3. ciao lady Fi……..definetely wonderful shots of your gorgeous golden friend ….! It’s wonderful coat shines even more on the snow-background!!!!!!!!!
    I’ll be a supporter, yea!!!
    ciao ciao elvira


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