It’s the simple things

It’s the simple moments in life that transform an ordinary day into something extraordinary – like unexpected beams of sunlight. Or the generosity of others.

The delightful Soul Aperture came up with the ingenious idea of getting people to write about the simple things in life. She donated one dollar for every comment or post that people linked to her challenge and ended up giving 180 dollars to a charity in Haiti.

I missed out on this last weekend, but Enchanted Oak has taken up the challenge once again and promised to donate two dollars for each participating blog to Heartline, a charity in Haiti. So, if you feel like writing for a great cause, then meet the challenge head-on here.

The simple things in life – a celebration:

The goodness of…

a kind friend, an affectionate dog, the taste of rain on the tongue

the cooling of clear river water on hot summer feet

Conversation, love, a needed hug

Compassion and kindness and

The unexpected generosity of a warm spring day,

The smile of a stranger,

A kind deed that goes by unnoticed but brightens the day of someone who needs it.

The sheer delight of…

Snowflakes on eyelashes,

Sun shimmering on snow,

Handfuls of dazzling sunshine and the laughter of children.

The perfect cinnamon swirl of  my daughter’s ear,

The pearly rainbow of a shell,

And the radiant toothy smile of my son.

Big brown puppy eyes, glorious sunsets

Family, friends, a warm home.

Small children’s hands in mine,

The whisper of I love you.

35 thoughts on “It’s the simple things

  1. Hi Fi!! I’ve hooked up to the Simple Pleasures Challenge- thanks for letting me know about it! And reading your post I wanted to start singing..Raindrops on kittens and bright wooly mittens…(from The Sound of Music…) hahaha..Loved everything you wrote and they are ALL truly simple pleasures..if only the world could enjoy them more!


  2. Oh, Lady Fi, what a wonderful visit I had here on your blog! Thank you for being part of this celebration of the simple but priceless we enjoy on this earth. You do have a song-like rhythm on your list. Ha! Life is good. We are blessed.


  3. Great list in your post. So much love shining through here. Maybe by so many people joining this Simple Things effort, we will inadvertently spread some love around. Have a great weekend.


  4. I’m stopping now to appreciate the warm beam of sunlight that just cut through the rain clouds and is spreading its light across my desk as I type this. Also marveling at how the raindrops on the trees are sparkling twinkling stars. Thanks for reminding me to pause and appreciate the everyday miracles around me.


  5. Just wanted to drop by and thank you for the commenting. This is a great cause and your post is just lovely! It’s really the small things in life that have the most meaning, isn’t it?


  6. A child who knows how to say thank you and I’m sorry and I love you melts my heart.

    Adults who do not know how to say thank you and I’m sorry breaks my heart.

    I can add so many to your already wonderful list 🙂

    Thank you for dropping by Eddie’s blog and mine.


  7. I read this earlier and carried your tender infectious gratitude with me.
    Thank you.
    I normally post with a Gratitude Community on Mondays, and so it felt good to do that, and I ‘m going to check out this link you’ve posted.


  8. And . . .
    the sounds of children belly-laughing
    the smells of new babies
    the taste of red licorice at the movies
    the sight of mass spring redbuds and cherry blossoms
    the smell of summer rain in the desert
    the feel of flannel on my thighs
    the warmth of fire as you sit down on the hearth
    . . . and on and on . . .


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