Oh, that precious spice!

UPDATE: You can find the recipe for these saffron cantuccini here!

Last week, I mentioned how saffron buns taste of medicine. What I should have said is that anything made of saffron tastes slightly medicinal. Why? Well, it has been used as a medicine for centuries… And not only is it famous for its bitter taste, but it is also the world’s most precious and expensive spice. You need to ‘harvest’ 75,000 Saffron flowers in order to produce a pound of saffron. And yes – it’s all done by hand!

The cold dark months over here in Sweden are saffron months – symbolized by the bright yellowness of saffron buns. And in our household, we have another saffron tradition (a year round one, I might add): the consumption of saffron cantuccini. Sir Pe got the recipe from a couple who run a Bed and Breakfast in England.

You need an apron and ear plugs if you’re going to make this recipe with noisy kitchen helpers anklebiters! After a lot of stirring and sore wrists, you put the dough in the oven – only to take it out after a short while.

And yes – it’s supposed to look like yellow horse doo-doo. Thank you for asking!

It then goes back into the oven overnight and miraculously turns into sugar-coated cantuccini the following morning!

And because it’s good for the brain, keeps away colds and soothes the nerves, I think I’ll have to eat a few kilos, don’t you?

For purely medicinal purposes.

For more tasty posts, please visit: My World!

41 thoughts on “Oh, that precious spice!

  1. Oh, you do have a way of getting my attention! What a fun post! And I would love to sample some — even if it does smell like doo doo! Thank you, Lady Fi, you have made my evening — as you frequently do!! Have a great week! Enjoy!



  2. This Ozarks farm chick has never had the pleasure of saffron buns but whoa baby, they look great. I may just have to step out of my rut and make some.

    Ya’ll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!


  3. That kind of looks like biscotti, and very delicious looking it is.

    I made some saffron buns the other week, oh my they were good.

    We always sold the fall crocus at the nursery, so you could grow your own saffron.



  4. Oh, Fi, I love saffron – you’ll have to post the recipe! The biscotti look fabulous – I’d eat one (or 2) with you if I lived closer!


  5. I sure wouldn’t turn it down if offered some. I hope to know how that tastes one day. Fun post. I guess if this is like medicine that would make you pharmacists.


  6. Horse do-doo – haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I’m sure it tastes and smells nothing of the sort though, right? There is something theraputic to the whole process of baking, don’t you think? I certainly wouldn’t mind giving this a go, glad I popped by.


  7. I absolutely love saffron – these look quite like biscotti, are they? I keep meaning to recreate a saffron pasta dish I had in London (at a lovely restaurant near the Albert Hall)… basically a sauce consisting of roast veg, cream, and saffron.


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