Snow mist

The snow is beginning to melt already (unfortunately) –

I’d love winter to stick around for a bit longer.

As the sun was rising in a sky full of ploughed clouds,

The Three Musketeers posed for a photo

As the mist rose dramatically in clouds behind them.

For more friendly shots, please visit: Our World and Skywatch.

58 thoughts on “Snow mist

  1. “I’d love winter to stick around for a bit longer.”

    Me too, Fiona! In fact, I’ve been out with my camera every time we get some snow, just to capture it. As I’ve shared before, we haven’t gotten much snow at all for the past three years, so I am savoring every single moment of all the snowfall we’re getting this year. 🙂

    Stunning photos! Love that second one of the mist. Gorgeous!

    Have a grrrrreat week, my friend!


  2. Two wonderful photos, Fiona. The Tree Musketeers are great in the snow.
    It’s the same story overhere in the Netherlands. We have enjoyed the wnow for a week and skating ice for three days. And now it’s spring with temperatures about 15 ºC.


    1. Hi! Yes – three dogs for the time being. The dog on the right is Stella,
      Simmie’s sister. Her owner has broken her foot so we are looking after
      her for a while.


  3. We’ve had less snow than usual this year so I hope winter isn’t over, too. Love the picture of the three musketeers–LOL! The mist is hard to capture, but you did and that sky is lovely. 🙂


  4. Your dogs look like triplets. We had more snow but rain in forecast tomorrow so the melting and refreshing cycle begins.


  5. Beautiful photos! We can get snow at our elevation until May, so winter keeps sharing her beauty here for quite a while and then summer appears, skipping spring altogether.


  6. Beautiful photos. I’m saying snow, snow go away already. We are thawing finally though. Hate when it’s snow drifts up to my knees. Although Razzy is small, but seriously, he wants to find the deepest parts he can, and he’s just too short. He doesn’t realize how soon he could freeze.


  7. Those dogs! They are made for winter, they obviously love it as much as you do! And they look so gorgeous against the snow. I read the comments, so I don’t have to ask you the obvious question! Good thing you ( and your two dogs) are there for the lady who broke her foot. Dog walking wouldn’t be a good recovery activity.


  8. Greetings and Salutations from Illinois! You are spreading kindness with the “Three Musketeers” (owner with broken foot). Kindness starts with one person, then another, then another. You can change the world with your example. Have a happy week end.


  9. Your Three Musketeers are so well trained – I can’t imagine our Aussie Crazy Poodle putting his rear anywhere near that icy ground, treat or no treat! Beautiful photo!
    Wren x


  10. Wonderful pictures. We had our first ‘cool’ autumn morning today – the seasons are on the move.

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


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