43 thoughts on “On the jetty

  1. Ruby doesn’t look 10! No white face. My Golden loved the water, even icy mountain streams. I especially like the final photo of Ruby.


  2. Difficult to stop dogs going in the water whatever the temperature. I’m sure they enjoy it but I’ll not be joining them.


  3. Magnificent photography of your wonderful dogs each with their own personality and what scenic environment you capture with them!
    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


  4. Simmie and Ruby are soooooooooo adorable! I love how Simmie looks like he smiling 🙂

    Beautiful shots, Fiona! Between the jetty, the water, the landscape in the background, and the dogs, they’re picture perfect!

    Have a grrrrrreat week, my friend!


  5. Simmi and Ruby have such beautiful coats, especially with the low angle sunlight. And of course I love floating structures. – Margy


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