76 thoughts on “Autumn, reflected

  1. How lovely to enjoy your autumn pics especially the one reflected on a furry coat and field. I was just reflecting myself that I am going to miss seeing an autumn this year so doubly good to have live one through you 🙂
    Wren x


  2. ‘GRUNT’……….monumental.

    Oh, and by the way, you probably have been thinking the wolves got me but I just uploaded my first log onto the new campfire.


    1. Hurray! I read and savoured each word in your latest post (or log)… Can’t work out how to leave a comment though. But know that I enjoyed!

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


      1. Thank you. There is a contact form in the drop down menu. But no comment section al la blog style. Am going commando. Perhaps someday. Perhaps not. Again thank you,


  3. Oh my gosh Fiona how I’ve missed your exquisite images. I don’t think I’ve seen autumn look quite so stunning!


  4. Fiona, these photographs put a HUGE smile on my face 🙂 It gives me such joy to see Autumn the way it’s supposed to be….colorful and dramatic!

    LOVE the reflection image. Bellissima!

    Have a glorious week, my friend!


  5. Wonderful photos. I like them all; especially the pupers in the field. Thanks for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday. Reflections in photos are always so awesome and I love your scenery ones. Nice….

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles


  6. Absolutely stunning reflections and colours, best thing about Autumn includes how things in nature are starting to slow down.


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