Strawberry sizzle

Sometimes, the best part of a sunset

Is when the sun sinks below the horizon.

Strawberry peace.jpg

Then all sorts of magic can happen:

A strawberry sizzle in the sky


Or the rich perfection

Of sky kissing waves at the beach.


(I’m on my last week of holiday and want to spend as much time away from the computer as possible, so may not be around too much.)

For more surprises, please visit: Our World and Skywatch.

82 thoughts on “Strawberry sizzle

  1. Oh wow, Fi. You have captured the essence of sky and sea in these images. Thanks for hosting the meme this week. Enjoy your day. Greetings Jo


  2. I can’t decide which I like more, your photography, or your yummy title. I just spent the morning preparing a long blog post to link to Our World, but I cut it before it became too long and difficult. More will be revealed.
    I hope you are well now. So sorry you were/are under the weather.


  3. I love your strawberry confection. In Florida the sun sets soon and quickly, even in summer. However, in British Columbia where we are vacationing now, the sun kisses the earth softly, sweetly. Yesterday windows in the skyscrapers of Vancouver were winking gold in the sunset.


  4. Fiona, these photographs and the colors you captured are MAGNIFICENT!

    And I love how you use words…

    “A strawberry sizzle in the sky”

    Yup…that’s exactly what it looks like!

    Thanks so much for sharing my favorite part of the day….sunset 🙂

    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  5. I agree Fiona, when the sun sinks the show begins ☺ incroyable colours here. Enjoy your last week of hols, step away from the computer 😀


    1. Most of my shots are taken over a lake here in Sweden, where I live. The most recent photos are taken in Conil, where we were on holiday.

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


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