The blue beyond

The spring equinox is when day and night are equally long:

A perfect balance that was reflected in the azure blue

Of open water and the white cold of the ice still left on the lake.

The blue.jpg

Even the clouds seemed to find harmony

In their own reflections.

As for that bluer than a jay’s wing sky —

All I could do was to stand and gaze in wonder.

In balance.jpg

For more blue-tiful posts, please visit: Skywatch.


76 thoughts on “The blue beyond

  1. Wonderful shots and such gorgeous shades of blue. I can understand why you could only gaze in wonder. Perfect to celebrate the spring equinox!


  2. Just breath taking. The line between mirror lake and frozen stream is so definitive.No wonder you stood and gazed. So much for sharing with us, and ditto Elephant’s Child comment.


  3. The color you captured in these stunning images is positively gorgeous, Fiona! Bava!

    “As for that bluer than a jay’s wing sky —

    All I could do was to stand and gaze in wonder.”

    Yes, and I can see why!

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty of the first days of Spring, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!


    1. It’s minus 5 C this morning, so winter is still here, but it has been warmer during the days, and we’ve had winds, so maybe that is why the ice has melted so fast.

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


  4. Beautiful, Fiona….. Love the blue water, the blue sky –and the reflections—and of course your doggie…

    Gazing in wonder is a great way to put it. Thanks for sharing.

    How’s your ‘sick’ doggie now?



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