Quintessentially thatched

There is something so

Quintessentially English about old thatched cottages.

Magnolia and cottage

Most of the buildings with thatch

Pre-date the 1800s and a good thatched roof

Can last up to fifty years.

Looks as if this cottage needs a new roof though!

Old thatch

The new Globe Theatre

(A modern reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Globe)

Is the only building in London with a thatched roof.

The Globe

However, I prefer my thatched buildings

Slumbering among wildflowers, don’t you?

Thatched roof copy

For more quaintness, please visit: Our World.

78 thoughts on “Quintessentially thatched

  1. Lovely photos. My sister-in-law lives in a really old thatched cottage in rural England. It’s so charming, but I don’t know if I could live with such low ceilings and doorways. 🙂


  2. “There is something so

    Quintessentially English about old thatched cottages.”

    Yes, there most certainly is, Fiona. They almost look as though the house is wearing a hat! 🙂 Fabulous photographs! I love the magnolia tree in the first image. And the roof in the final photograph is so perfectly structured.

    Have a lovey Monday, my friend!


  3. I do love thatch, esp. with the requisite cottage garden to go with it! I have several photo books of English cottage gardens and can spend hours poring over them.


  4. Oh my gosh…oh my gosh!!!
    I am a huge fan of anything Shakespeare.

    Today, I feel green with envy!
    Such a wonderful wonderful post…the Globe Theater…oh ::::sigh::::


  5. I can’t imagine the effort it takes to thatch a roof. Good they last so long. There is a house with a thatched roof in Vail. They must provine good insulation from the cold.


  6. Oh, these are beautiful!! I do love the thatched roofs and with terrific shots, Fiona!! Thanks so much for sharing these and, as always, thank you for hosting Our World!! You are the best!! Have a wonderful week!!


  7. pretty unique buildings….out here in India we too have thatched roofs…but only in rural areas especially on agricultural farms. mostly these small huts are made using mud. But to find such buildings in cities is difficult!


  8. I was surprised while in Ireland to find that they are not common. I miss your jolt of fuchsia (or was it perriwinkle?) background color.


  9. there’s a house with a thatched roof in a village close to us, a new construction house, and we fall in love with it each time we see it… it’s amazing and i’m sure it protects better than classic roofs. beautiful shots!


  10. I think I read that they (whoever they are) recommend that you put 1000 pounds (no symbol!) in the bank a year to cover the cost of getting a new roof on a thatched house! Pretty, but expensive!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


  11. Thatched buildings were banned from most British towns and cities as the fire risk was too great. The reconstructed Globe obviously is an exceptional case. In rural areas many old buildings still have their thatch.


  12. It’s hard to figure out how they make the edges so perfect! Thanks for the tour. I was in England about 20 years ago, but these pics brought it all back immediately!


  13. Looks like buildings out of a story book. Nice to see a multi-storeyed building with a thatched roof. And do I see netting on it?
    Thank you for the sights, Lady Fi. 🙂


  14. We have quite a few thatched houses here in Hampshire and I love them. I didn’t know the Globe was Londin’s only one but I’ve been there for a performance of Hamlet. The last thatch is beautiful.


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