98 thoughts on “The magic of morning

  1. Even though I find it difficult to get up early in the morning but I know that morning is the best time of the day especially to watch the darkness slowly disappearing in the light of the new day.


  2. When I looked at your first photo I thought nothing could be more beautiful. But I had to think the same thing on each of the others as well. I love the way you’ve captured the light.


  3. Thank you for sharing your early morning. These pictures remind me of our Oregon Lake — not a lot of misty mornings here in Florida especially this time of year. It is dark and then it is bright and hot. Not much in-between.


  4. before we had three very vocal cats, my mornings were very quiet …. these photos remind me of those times


  5. GLORIOUS photographs, Fiona! There is something so magical and mystical about them. Not only the apricot glow, but I also love how you captured the mist on the water!

    Well done, my friend!

    Have a lovely week!


  6. Oh, so magical indeed!! What a beautiful world you have indeed!! Gorgeous captures!! Thank you for sharing!! Have a great week!!


  7. Great morning shots. Where we live we know it is sunrise because the light coming over the mountain in front of us hits the lake water, then the light reflects up onto the ceiling of our loft bedroom.


  8. Sometimes, Fi, I realize that I’m holding my breath as I look at your photos. I love the magical landscape you create with your photos and words.


  9. Two delight photos. Sure it is a peaceful place where have a great rest.
    Of course, two perfect photos.

    My Camino finished this year. I walked more than two hundred of kilometers. Once it was a great experience. Thanks a lotfor your best wishes..


    · LMA · & · CR ·


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