Golden horizon

November was mild and grey —

But one day, the sun broke through the cover

To create a lovely golden horizon of trees.

Golden horizon

Clouds floated by

In rainbow colours,


And, of course, Ruby had to pose

At the end of the jetty under the silver sky.

Ruby copy

For more golden skies, please go to: Skywatch.

101 thoughts on “Golden horizon

  1. Ruby, my dear, from the distant you have a grand pose like Oscar. ❤
    Wonderful images, Lady Fi. Hope the New Year started well for you and yours.
    Best regards from the Four of us,
    Dina, Klausbernd, Siri & Selma


  2. That golden glow in your photos is just breathtaking. And I love the Nelson Mandela quote, it hits right into my heart. I will write it down somewhere to have it in mind whenever needed!


  3. Fiona, with ALL your photographs, I want to walk inside them and be there!

    Stunning, my friend! Just STUNNING!

    That second one looks like a painting!



  4. I am speachless! This fist picture is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen in the past time, just perfect! Great light and color combination!


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