Fifty shades of grey

It’s been very grey here –


So grey that the newspapers are saying

We’ve had fewer than 8 hours of sunshine so far this month.

In fact, it looks as if even the ducks are complaining about the lack of sun!


There are moments of beauty, though,

When the grey and the bird

Look like a silken painting.

Bird in clouds copy

For more bright skies, please visit: Skywatch.

99 thoughts on “Fifty shades of grey

  1. the silvers and hints of blues mixed in are really beautiful. i’m certain you’d like the warm glow of sunshine, though. (and your title should get you lots of traffic to this post!) 🙂


  2. Even your gray skies are beautiful, but I’m certain you do miss the sunshine!! Wonderful captures and I do love your title!! Have a great weekend!!


  3. “There are moments of beauty, though,

    When the grey and the bird

    Look like a silken painting.”

    That’s exactly what they look like, Fiona! Stunning captures! I’m one of those people who loves grey days like this 🙂


  4. Hi Friend, Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving to you. Even in places where Thanksgiving is not celebrated (or celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November like ours is) —it can be a time for each of us to take time to thank God for our blessings and also not to forget the “Giving” in the word, ThanksGIVING. We all have lots of blessings —but many times, we ignore the giving part….Not just on Thanksgiving Day, but all of the time, please take time to contact family/friends just to say HI… And remember that a big SMILE can lift someone’s day…. Little things like that can really HELP..

    I love your ‘grays’…. There’s just something about dull and dark days that are still gorgeous.

    God Bless…
    Happy Thanksgiving.


  5. Yes, this is what was meant by the term 50 shades of grey! Beautiful photos! We’ve been very lucky in London so far (fingers crossed) but I believe we have a miserable winter ahead of us.


  6. For sure… paintings with lots of grey nuances from an outstanding fall season!! even the duck on the pond is bored and yelled at waters… “bring some light”… 🙂
    Lovely captured moments!


  7. all of these are gorgeous as your photos always are .. but the first was is exquisite and looks like a water color . divine!


  8. It was then very gray with you but these pictures of the gray sky are beautiful to see.
    Beautiful bright and beautiful were reflections in the water. So I want 50 shades of gray often see lol ……


  9. Great tonalities of these inspiring place (For people of great cities, traffic, smog, concrete, structures, etc., admiring your environment is like a window to paradise). I try to imaging the images in B&W for adding more drama! Happy Sunday!


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