The circle of life

Those of you who follow my dog, Oscar, or me on Facebook already know that Oscar is no longer with us.

Sunrise with Oscar copy

We had to say good-bye to our dearest friend on Friday as his osteoarthritis left him unable to walk.

After so many years of unconditional love from him, it was our turn to show him our love and let him go.

Stately copy

He dived into his last sunset at the vet’s on Friday morning, surrounded by so much love. (He was nearly 12 years old.)

He fell asleep peacefully in my lap, with the rest of his family at his side.


I know he touched the lives of so many of you – even though you had never met him.

It warms my heart that you could see his gentle soul through my photos.

Sugarface copy

It’s a measure of the love he shared and the life he led – that he connected with so many people around the world.

Run copy

He lived fully in every moment; he loved widely and generously.

That’s the best way to live — and his best legacy.


Please forgive me if I don’t visit you this week. But I want you to know that your warm wishes and love are a source of comfort to us.

For more love, please visit: Our World Tuesday.

148 thoughts on “The circle of life

  1. I’ve never met Oscar, only in posts, indeed, but he touched our souls and for sure he will always going to remain in hearts of those who were captured by his image in your fantastic views and pics revealed by photo camera! Like Maya, my sister’s cat who passed a week ago, almost at the same age and after a long sufferance… i’m deeply touched…and there are no words to describe it…
    So sorry for your loss! Alexa T


  2. Poor Oscar, I feel your pain, but look back on many wonderful years with Oscar.
    The pictures are a pretty memorable. Also, I have to put down. Various gold retrievers It is always difficult. I now have Boris who is only two years old, so it may be with us for many years.
    Greetings, Leo.


  3. You made us love him with your beautiful words and photos over the years. I am so sorry, I know you will all miss him very much. He was lucky to have you all for a family. I think he is smiling in that last photo! Sending you a hug:)


  4. What a loss! Gorgeous Oscar. Your tribute to this wonderful dog is very moving, Lady Fi. I feel terribly sorry for you all, please accept my heartfelt condolences. ❤
    My own Golden, Franco is ten and suffering from osteoarthritis too.
    Best regards, Dina


  5. It’s always sad to lose a beloved pet and you have many lovely memories of your years with him and lots and lots of photographs. It must have been very hard to stay with him as he fell asleep, but he did so feeling all your love.


  6. This small quote I pass on to you and your with admiration for Oscar. It was given to me I out my GSP down. Memorizing it and passing it on to others who are enduring the loss f their loved one. “…grieve not, nor speak of me with tears but laugh and speak of me often. ”’Twas Heaven here with you… I loved you so…”…:)JP


  7. I am so very, very sad for you. A terrible loss of such a beautiful member of your family. Dear, Dear Oscar, to be so loved and you will be greatly missed.. Ladyfi, you will be very much in my thoughts today.


  8. i saw your title and i hoped it was not about oscar. i am SO very sorry for your loss. he truly did share his soul with us through your blog. i still miss my old yellow lab girl, marigold, and it has been several years. he will be in your heart, always.


  9. What a lovely tribute to a beloved companion, just beautiful. ❤ So sorry for your loss Fiona, my heart sincerely hurts for you. Sending hugs and lots of love you way…


  10. Oh my, I didn’t know that, I am sorry, for you and Oscar, I am terribly sorry. Oscar was a dog like mine, they both had a good life, and I sat and cuddled her until the end. Take how long it will give you.


  11. Oh Fiona I’m so sorry this is the saddest news.. This is the only downside to having a pet they generally pass before we do and the loss is so hard. Your family was very lucky to know Oscar and he you, I know your heart will be sore but you have wonderful memories, thank you so much for sharing some of them with us. Big hugs, take care xx


  12. We have not forgotten you – a very nice companion faithful who had a place with you !! I share your feeling with regard to the pictures you showed us

    see you soon


  13. Oh, Fiona, my heart does ache for you!!! Having lost my dear Sam over a year ago I know the ache of sadness and loss that you are feeling. Thank you for the beautiful post and photos and for sharing such wonderful memories!!


  14. Oscar will NEVER be forgotten. These photos are stunningly gorgeous. His spirit will love on forever. See you on the other side, My lovely Oscar. xxxxxx PS. His photo will be on my fridge until my last days, Lady Fi.


  15. My heart aches with this very sad news. Through your blog, I felt as if I knew dear Oscar personally and I too will miss seeing him in your photos. He added such love and beauty to every photograph. May your wonderful memories of all the special times and bond you shared help heal your family’s broken hearts.


  16. I’m so sorry for your loss! His lovely personality shines through your photos and it must be so hard to lose your friend and family member. I dread the day I will have to say goodbye to my dog, on of the loves of my life. I feel for you and send you many warm thoughts. Take care!


  17. My heart is broken. He really was an ambassador for joy to the world and your wonderful photos of his expression of that joy always made me smile. No matter how long we have them, it’s never long enough. I’m so very sorry for your loss, Fi, and for all of us who loved him, too.


  18. I’m so sorry for your loss of your beautiful friend, like many others I will miss his online presence and ponder the coming decision for our Molly at some point, now12½. I really do hope there’s a rainbow bridge where he waits for you, joyful as ever.


  19. I had read about this on Facebook –but it still brings tears to my eyes. I know how special Oscar was to you and your family… My love is being sent to all of you as you grieve the death of Oscar. BUT–I know that you will keep his memory alive in your heart, your blogs, FB, etc…. Oscar was one very special dog.


  20. I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. Oscar’s beautiful spirit came through in your wonderful photographs. This was a great tribute to him.


  21. Hello Fiona. My heart stopped for a second upon reading this on FB the other day. Oscar was a wonderful dog and you all were very fortunate to have shared you lives together for 12 years. He will be with us forever as well.


  22. I’m so sad to read about Oscar. It brings tears to my eyes…..
    Thank you for sharing him so generously with us all, and that shot of him jumping into the sunset lake is unbelievably gorgeous.
    Sending you hugs and sniffs from my three hounds Xxx


  23. Oscar ~ we love you and know you lived a good life and your owners will sorely miss you ~ Photography is fantastic of Oscar ~ lots of healing hugs to all ~ xoxox

    Happy Day to you despite your very major loss.

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)


  24. I couldn’t take away me eyes from this beautiful dog. And then I read about Oscar and I became so sad. He looks like my Tasha but much younger on these photos! And he is still with you in your memories. And always will be.
    Fantastic pictures of precious Oscar!

    Warm wishes to you from me and a warm hug.


  25. Dear LadyFi, thank you for sharing Oscar with us. He was beautiful in every way. When Dulcy, the cat with whom I lived for 17 1/2 years died, she gave me the book “A Cat’s Life: Dulcy’s Story.” She began her story this way: “At the end all that matters is love. My love for my human and hers for me. I have planted the memories of our life together in her heart. She will find them there when I am gone and they will comfort her.” I know that you have a treasure trove of good memories of Oscar. I hope they will comfort you. Peace.


  26. Dear Lady Fi, tears fall on my keyboard as I send you all my deepest condolences on the loss of your dear dear friend Oscar. You have brought the handsome Oscar into our lives in such beautiful photographs over the years that I’m sure his place is indelibly etched into our memories. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous creature with us – if only over the internet! Warmest hugs.


  27. Oscar’s joy in life was apparent through your photos, and I can only imagine how your family must be missing him. May you find comfort and smiles in your memories.


  28. My heart aches for you and your family. Dear Oscar will be missed by so many others who loved seeing that golden boy on their computer screens. These beautiful photos illustrate the joyful spirit with which he lived his life and that’s how he will be remembered.


  29. We mostly just lurk, but this moment needs a comment. Thank you for sharing him with us, and for reminding me that I need to get back into the habit of taking “too many” photos of my dogs too, because life is short and they do joy so much better than I do.


  30. Lady Fi – I am so very sorry that you have had to say good bye to your beloved Oscar. I can only imagine the hole you are feeling in your heart at his absence. Sending you love (and licks from Bella), TSL xxx


  31. “He lived fully in every moment; he loved widely and generously.

    That’s the best way to live — and his best legacy.”

    Beautiful tribute, Fiona. And your gorgeous photographs depict Oscars loving spirit so perfectly. I know we just met, but please know that I feel this loss with you. It’s very hard to say goodbye to our beloved companions.

    Sending you much comfort and peace.


  32. We have been away for three weeks and now to see this post about your dear, sweet Oscar. I am so very sorry for your loss! Thank you for sharing your beautiful images that included Oscar. He was a fine example of how to enjoy every moment of life. My condolences to your family.



  33. I am at a loss for a word to see this post! I can’t see him diving into his last sunset without tears. He was an indispensable part of your exquisite pictures, giving us lots of happiness and pleasures. He left lots of unforgettable wonderful memories to you and your family and us readers as well.
    He must have been satisfied and pleased with his own life in this world surrounded with full of love. Thank you Oscar, may you rest in peace.


  34. I’m so sorry about your loss. I only knew and saw Oscar on OWT meme and loved his smiley face. Your last tribute to this faithful friend brought tears to my eyes and I wish you healing as time goes by. I love the photos, but the one of him diving into the water is stunningly beautiful. Blessings Jo


  35. What a beautiful photography tribute to your Oscar. Saying goodbye is so hard and the whole circle of life thing is just crappy. What a happy guys he was, I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending light and love your way…


  36. Oscar did reach me through your beautiful photos. He reminded me of my precious golden retriever, Maggie. I am so glad that you cared for him so well. I am teary-eyed and wish you all well. I’m sorry for your loss and understand how hard your decision was, and how much love you brought to your decision. Oscar will be missed and never forgotten. What a gorgeous tribute to your beloved.


  37. Gorgeous photographs of Oscar, Ladi-fi; Your BEAUTIFUL pictures show what you said “unconditional love” for him. As I didn’t know about the song by Elton John, I didn’t get the meaning of ‘it until I check it through pc. Yes, he will be missed and not forgotten like my baby boy dog died when I was around 30. (he was a present from my husband after 5 years infertility treatment) Haha, he doesn’t want me another onesince then.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*


  38. Such a handsome and dignified looking companion. I’m sorry for your loss. I know you will miss him dearly but I’m glad he graced your life for as long as he did. xx


  39. Oh Lady Fi, this is the saddest news – I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m so glad that you shared him with us to enjoy the special bond you all had. It’s a hard time for you and your family, always difficult to let a family member go – very sorry.


  40. They live on in our hearts forever…. and I still catch glimpses of my lovely boys’ shadows around me. May the pain of loss transform into love and gratitude for all that our wonderful dogs have given us.
    I’m so glad he is at peace and pain free.
    Val x


  41. How sad ! you must miss him terribly ! But you took the right decision, when it is time it is time, insisting is egoistic you showed your love for him by letting him go. Even if it was a very hard decision. I made the experience already twice. It’s an awful time but then he will stay forever in your heart.


  42. Fiona I am devastated by this news. With tears in my eyes I write that I feel and sympathize utterly with your huge loss. There is no way to describe the way we love and are loved by our pets, or the hole they leave in our hearts when they go. My son’s lab is so adored by all of us but especially by his devoted master, I shudder to think of the day Rambo has to leave us. Likewise our beloved Chihuahua Javier, FIFTEEN years old, our darling for his entire life, no longer able to see or hear but not in any pain or discomfort that we can perceive. I cherish EVERY day with him and could not love him more, and I cannot imagine the pain that will grip our hearts when he leaves us. Farewell to your beautiful, beloved Oscar, and please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. God bless you. Your pictures of him are astounding, capturing his very essence, and although they can never replace his presence, they will surely be a comfort. xoxo


  43. I am so sorry for your loss. Your post is the most beautiful tribute you could write about him. I have often enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos of Oskar. and he had a great life!
    Wil, ABCW team.


  44. I’m so sorry to hear about Oscar, I’m a ‘dog person’ and I know how much I love my dogs. You have wonderful memories strengthened by your photos. This is a beautiful tribute. I absolutely love that shot of him jumping in the water with the reflection.


  45. I am welling up with tears, even though I knew about it last week. You had a gift of bringing out Oscar’s personality through your lens. I will miss seeing him on your blog. We will have to be making that decision soon with our Golden mix who is 14 years old and has a failing liver. 😦


  46. Fi, you have my most sincere condolences. I managed to get through a comment on Facebook, but now I’m crying. However, his warm and generous love will remain the hearts of your family forever.
    Hugs, Kay


  47. Oh, really very sorry for his demise ladyfi! It’s hard to believe to know Oscar is no more. We can’t forget easily such a cheerful dog and I can understand your feeling as a pet lover myself. Great photos and wonderful tribute to this hero. I hope his memories last forever


  48. So very sorry to hear about Oscar’s last sunset. I’m typing with tears in my eyes. It’s so very, very sad. He looked like such a gorgeous chap. Sending you a huge, virtual hug through the ether, Bonny xx


  49. My friend, I am very sorry for such great loss. I know how much you loved your beautiful dog. Oscar was already a friend of all of us, so we understand the pain of your soul.
    You have the memory, photos. He will always be with you … and us.

    · A big hug

    · CR · & · LMA ·


  50. My heartfelt, deepest sympathies to you — he was such an incredibly beautiful creature, and you captured his magic and love for us all. You were there when he needed you most, and that’s all we can ever pray to do. Much love.


  51. My dear Fi and family: I am so deeply sorry for your loss. If I, who only knew Oscar through photographs, loved him and miss him now, I can imagine how you, his owner and best friend, must be feeling… I hope you find comfort in the wonderful memories you have shared together, and in the fact that he touched so many lives. As for me, he had the gift of warming my heart in the coldest day, and putting a smile on my face, even if feeling down, every time you posted a new picture, and for that I am grateful and will never forget him. Thank you for blessing us with the joyfulness of Oscar. Hugs and kisses.


    1. My dear Fi and family: I am so deeply sorry for your loss. If I, who only knew Oscar through photographs, loved him and miss him now, I can imagine how you, his owner and best friend, must be feeling… I hope you find comfort in the wonderful memories you have shared together, and in the fact that he touched so many lives. As for me, he had the gift of warming my heart in the coldest day, and putting a smile on my face, even if feeling down, every time you posted a new picture, and for that I am grateful and will never forget him. Thank you for blessing us with the joyfulness of Oscar. Hugs and kisses.


  52. So sorry for your loss! He was such a beautiful dog. I only know him by his photos and I´ll miss him… I know how hard it is to let such a good friend and family-member go but he will always be a part of your life and your memories!


  53. Oh dear, Fi, what sad news. You must be so bereft without your fine friend. Oscar was indeed a great fellow, anyone could see that. Saying goodbye is so hard and my heart goes out to you and your family as you grieve and adjust to life without him.


  54. I haven’t followed Oscar through your blog but this post brought a lump in my throat. He was such a beautiful dog, full of love and character. I sympathise with your loss.


  55. Oh – what a fine dog Oscar was. So much heart – I can tell from his photos. It’s so hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Hugs!


  56. Oscar was a role model about living one’s life fully. He surely bound all the souls of the readers of your blog. I think I know how you are saddened as I recall the time when our loved Lynne ended her life. However, those past pleasures with him will be fully grown when remembered. Memory is the last part of the past pleasure. I miss Oscar a lot, but I can see him whenever I visit your past posts. Wish him rested in peace.



  57. I saw this title while I was vacationing in Victoria, B.C., celebrating our 25th anniversary. I couldn’t read the post until I got home. I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face. I loved him so! Your wonderful photos and words let me share in his wonderful life. What a magical boy, our Oscar! Thank you for letting us into your life and sharing the wonders and beauty and the sorrow too. Much love to you and yours. We have to do the right thing for our pets, but the pain of loss is so stunning sometimes I wonder if I can ever do it again. And then I remember the joy and I make a new dog mine.


  58. Oh Fiona, I am SO sorry you lost your beautiful Oscar. My heart aches for you and your family. Such a beautiful boy.. such a sweet love. I always felt his zest for life oozing from his photos. I will miss seeing him. I hurt for you. RIP sweet Oscar. Big hugs to you, F.


  59. I’m so sorry Oscar is gone but I’m so glad I got to know him through all your beautiful photos. You really did capture his spirit and lovely nature. What a wonderful life he had too.


  60. Terrible to your friend Oscar is no longer with you and to have you around.
    He was almost 12 years old but you really can not miss him.
    Much strength Ladyfi and I’m sure Oscar stays with you forever ❤


  61. you were so very lucky to have him, to love him, and receive his love. they bring so much comfort and joy to our lives, to be on the receiving end of that kind of unconditional love is priceless.

    i have heard that doggy heaven is amazing!!!!


  62. I am so sorry that you lost your beloved Oscar. There was a dog. Always happy, so full of life, a big furry reminder of what is important.


  63. My deepest condolences to you and your familyon the loss of your dear pet and family member, Oscar! It is always so hard to say goodbye to such a loyal and loving friend, but you were wise to allow him to go with his dignity intact and in a peaceful way!. {{ hugs}}


  64. Bless you for loving your bold, beautiful companion Oscar, and for giving him his sweet release so generously and kindly. And for sharing his joyful presence with all of us! He will be greatly missed.


  65. Absolutely touching photos and I can imagine how hard it must have been to let him go. We have a dog, too who has been with us the past eight years and he is just part of our small family. It’s hard to imagine that he will not be with us anymore at some point.


  66. I am so sorry for your loss. I’m sure that those of us, who have seen this beautiful boy on your blog, also feel a sense of loss.
    RIP, beautiful pooch…


  67. Oh no… I missed this one Fi. So sorry about your pup – they are with us for such a short time. He was beautiful and I know he’ll live on in your hearts and memories.


  68. I had to come here and put in my love and my comment for Oscar/. I was not blogging at that time. I have so enjoyed over the years the pictures of Oscar. He looks exactly like my golden that left us some years ago. The first thing I noticed when I first saw your blog was Oscar and I was hooked ever since to come and look for him and all the lovely spots you took him to. He had a most beautiful life with you. hugs nora


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