83 thoughts on “Sunset post

  1. You missed the opportunity to make an additional pun about Cold Duck! You’re slipping, Lady Fi! 🙂

    I’ll raise my glass to the second photo in particular. The play of the wind on the water is superb and adds a great deal to the atmosphere and that poor shivering duck.


  2. I like the way the water is so calm on one side of the pier and so choppy on the other. I see the duck is heading for calmer waters! Lovely colors, Fi.


  3. Dearest Ladyfi;
    Oh, I LOVE your sunset. Purple is considered noble color in Japan♡♡♡  
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*


  4. i tuoi magici colori! quelle sfumatura che vanno dal rosa al viole, che tanto amo!
    magnifici, cara

    your magical colors! those gradient ranging from pink to violets, that much I love!
    magnificent, Darling!


  5. Hi there, We are back from ANOTHER trip. This time we were in Georgia checking out yet another waterfall… Check my blog today when you get a chance.

    You know how much I love sunset (and sunrise) photos.. Yours is terrific.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. Well, It wasn’t good because it was too mild and short. On the other hand, it was quite nice not to have to shiver our way through six months of snow.

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


  6. Have just been enjoying your England posts too Fiona, wonderful to spend time with your Dad and sisters. It does seem a little wrong that you’re still getting snow falling in spring but it does make for gorgeous images 🙂


  7. I’ve never seen such purple sunset… stunned about the whole landscape!! So gorgeous… Thanks for sharing with us!… Have a sunny April month!


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