Lemon drizzle

One of the delights of having an early frost

Is that you can capture both frost and colour:

This is one of my favourite photos from October.

Frosted delight copy

The lemon tones

Were repeated in this frosted yellow beauty

Frosted yellow

While the late autumn cone flowers

Danced in icy tutus to the music of the wind.

There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.  ~ Edwin Denby

Frosted cone flowers copy

For more delicious stories, please visit: Our World Tuesday.

110 thoughts on “Lemon drizzle

  1. Such a pleasure, as always. There’s something so appealing about the first frost in the garden–you’ve captured it beautifully, I love the textures and that shot of the black-eyed susans with frost is especially lovely. You hear so much about autumn colours in trees, but rarely do you hear how pretty some of the perennial foliage can be.


  2. Love your last photo for the contrast between lemon yellow and dark blue frosted over. Keep forgetting to reply to your comment about what you sister does – very rewarding, but also hard (would be for me) to be confronted everyday with poverty. Kudos to her!


  3. I can see why that first is a favorite – it’s pure magic!! As always, all beautiful photos of beautiful nature.. thanks for sharing. They make my heart sing.


  4. Nifheimr

    Avvolti in pallidi lenzuoli d’amarezza
    gli alberelli della brina
    sonni profondi d’inverno
    in ellissi nivee e tremori di gelo.

    incantata dalla magia delle tue foto , ti invio questa mia poesia, scritta appunto quando il gelo ricopre di brina fiori e prati,non cosa ne uscirà con la traduzione, però


    Wrapped in Pale sheets of bitterness
    the saplings of frost
    deep winter sleep
    in snowy ellipse and tremors of frost.

    enchanted by the magic of your photos, you’ll enter this my poem, written precisely when the Frost coating of frost flowers and meadows, not what you come out with the translation, though


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