Downy farewells

Feathered thistles…

Thistles 1

Like the soft stars of late summer

Downy stars

Take flight when autumn comes.

Farewell copy

I find a feather next to the thistles,

A keepsake from the geese

Honking in the distance.

Ready to say farewell and welcome in a new season.

Feather copy

For more downy beauty, please visit: Our World.

73 thoughts on “Downy farewells

  1. We live close to a golf course that has a large pond that the geese love so we hear lots of honking as well. Such pretty soft photos you have today. The wispiness of them takes me back to childhood and remembering how much I love these.


  2. Beautiful images Fiona, especially the first one. Looks like a galaxy. Hard to believe that you are once again moving in to Autumn. Time flies. I can almost hear the honking of the geese – beautiful.


  3. Nice pictures. I was going to photograph a dandelion clock on our lawn this weekend – but my daughter picked and brought it in to show me!!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


  4. thanks so much for your comments on my blog, I really appreciated them. Yes we have the geese here also, we hear them
    in the pond nearby….I like how you find the simple things like a thistle and a feather to express the end of summer and the change of seasons! lovely


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