Fleeting beauty

There is nothing as joyful

As walking underneath the pink clouds

(Waving gently in the wind)

Of the sakura or Japanese cherry blossoms.

Blur copy

They remind us that life

Is intense and fleeting

Bright copy

As it follows the natural cycles

Of birth and death and renewal.


They flower for such a short time, like us,

And remind us that we too are as beautiful

And transient as a cherry blossom.

Open and shut copy

For more blossoming stories, please visit: Our World.

100 thoughts on “Fleeting beauty

  1. Maybe part of what makes them so achingly beautiful is that they are so fleeting. If they lingered through the summer, we’d probably stop noticing or appreciating them. Yet looking at your photos, it’s hard to imagine how that could ever be possible! These are, it goes without saying, stunningly gorgeous. The first and last especially, those are my favorites.


  2. I was instantly in awe when I saw the second picture. It’s so much still life in the photo that it makes me ponder about what we see everyday – how much of life are we missing out on, as we buzz around day to day?


  3. yes life is intense and fleeting, the beauty here in word and image is comforting. Thank you, these pictures have come my way at a appropriate time.


  4. Helt underbara och romantiska vårbilder! Imponerad över att våren kommit till dig också. Det är tydligen inte så stor skillnad mellan syd och norr, som man tror…


  5. Gorgeous, Fiona. I love seeing the Japanese Cherry blossoms. I saw them once on a trip to Washington DC during the spring and they were beautiful.. SO many of them.. I do love that pink color better than the traditional white… Isn’t the rebirth in spring just awesome?



  6. If they smell as beautiful as they look then it really would be bliss doubled Fiona. Tres belle images.
    p.s. there are a few exceptions to the shopping, like books, camera shops/markets oui 🙂


  7. I love the Japanese Cherryblossom. I have also a Japanese Cherry tree, which flowers every spring abundantly. It is a sign that spring is coming!


  8. How lovely and lush the photos are, I feel like I am walking under the tree with you! It is true they are only with us for a short while
    and our life here on earth is too short.


  9. Hi! Beautiful capture of the pink clouds. Your cherry blossom photos are very cool. I like the last one very much.
    Wishing you a wonderful day.


  10. Such beautiful pink blossoms Fi. Top marks for photography too. Spring for you as we in the southern hemisphere head for winter… – Dave


  11. I remember we had to paint those in elementary school on rice paper and it was one of my favorite assignments.


  12. Transient, yes, and beautiful. Yes, that’s cherry blossom. I could never consider humans as beautiful. Beauty being in eye of the Beholder, of course. So what do I know.


  13. These are so soft & beautiful. And the words, too.
    Here in northern Minnesota we JUST have our very first blooms opening – a few of the yellow cowslips in the swamps.
    My six year old picked me a small bunch yesterday, and said, “Flowers mean LOVE. And Flowers mean Spring, too.”


  14. Right now! I can feel my heart is blooming.. when I watch your beautiful flowers! =) oh! you have got them in right time and place, that’s for sure!! =)


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