Raindrops keep falling

It’s been an unusually mild and wet autumn so far…

The soft rain makes art out of a humble fence

And turns a bench into a diamond-studded wonder.

And best of all, it lends beauty

To the graceful head of a flower:

Reminding us that bowed is not defeated

And that the best thing to do when it rains

Is to let it.

For more grace, please visit: Our World.

86 thoughts on “Raindrops keep falling

  1. Lovely imagery and words.;) We too had some very warm few days, actually a record warm late October day with 20C this past Saturday.;) Apparently the heat came all the way from the Sahara desert.;) Have a lovely week,


  2. Oh you know am love’n these……….just let it be-so true. Could be the bowed flower head is saying ‘namaste’ to the rain.


  3. There is indeed so much beauty in the raindrops and these are exquisite, magical captures. Hope you have a great week!!


  4. All the photos are so moving, with your words to help give meaning. I moved from drought-stricken Texas to rain-soaked Louisiana and I’m really enjoying it. Wish I could share my bounty for those that need it, though. Have a great week!


  5. Gorgeous photos, Fiona… I love RAIN —most any season. (But I don’t like ICE in the winter!!!! Snow is okay–but not ice!)

    We’ve had some rain here this Fall—but this week, the weather is AWESOME around here… Think we need to get out and do some hiking!!!!



  6. I love that dahlia with the raindrops!! And the heron and the geese in the next post!!! But I think my favourite is the rose bush in the next post, with the lines of spiderweb decorating it!!!


  7. What good advise, Fi! (Has Oscar been talking to you?) Your raindrop photos evoke a peaceful mood. I’m hoping for some moisture here in CO, too. (If it comes, I’ll let it.)


  8. ladyfi,
    Fabulous series of photos! Raindrops change ordinary scenery to magical one. Bowing is also being humble.
    Your photos are always stunning!
    Wishing you a great week.


  9. There was a time a few years ago when it felt like it would never rain here again – I dont think i’ll ever get grumpy when it rains again (unless I’m on holiday of course!) Nice pictures.

    Stewart M – Australia


  10. Please send some of that beautiful rain this way, our hot and dry summer has continued into autumn. We haven’t even had any real snow yet!


  11. There is beauty in almost everything we see and then there is something extraordinary in what the rains bring. Here in India it is a life giver. It brings hope and it brings life to the parched lands.

    Love your art in photographing the rain drops.


  12. Sunlight after the rain, love the bench picture. Does good things for me, we were driving somewhere the other day and had rainbows chasing us along the road. So good old rain, never complain.



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