Celebrating mistakes

Sky and ice are wrapped in a grey embrace at the moment.

Birds flew by in a blur of black and white.

I failed to capture their movement with any focus

But when looking at the shots, I wondered if perhaps

This is what trees looked like to birds as they flew by.

The failed shots look like paintings, don’t you think?

As you can see, I try to live by the philosophy of celebrating my mistakes.

For more artistic creatures, please visit: Camera Critters.

75 thoughts on “Celebrating mistakes

  1. One man’s/woman’s mistakes are another man’s/woman’s creations! This are great and create a different view/perspective of an otherwise static photo.


  2. I like these shots and I’m with you … wonder if this is what the birds see as they fly by. I’m joining Sophie and must look at my blur shots again! 😀 😀 Happy Critter Day!


  3. Love the blurred look in these photos and amazingly enough the bird wasn´t blurred in the last photo- very cool effect Fi! 🙂 And if this is what it looks like for birds when they fly I´m glad I´m not a bird, would get dizzy!! 😉


  4. Lady Fi,
    I feel as if I became a bird which is flying like an arrow!! In science or chemistry, a mistake has created a great discovery many times. Let’s make a toast to your great mistakes. Wonderful photos!
    Best wishes,


  5. Stilige bilder! – og aller best liker jeg det siste. Tror vi mennesker har lært oss mye på mange områder ved at vi har gjort noe feil – eller skal vi bare si annerledes enn det vi først hadde tenkt.


  6. A perfectly lovely blur of motion. I have had “mistakes” too that have also had a beautiful painting like effect. I like the texture that came out of your shots. Mistakes can be a chance to let loose further creativity.


  7. I like them both but the second one is my favorite!
    We celebrate our mistakes and learn from them and go forward.
    Your ‘mistakes’ look like abstract art.


  8. I really like this effect. It is not the typical blur that comes from being out of focus but more controlled to capture the feeling of movement. What fun would photography be if we didn’t experiment and play.


  9. OK, that’s and interesting photographic topic Fi, blurred photos. Who would have thought of that topic? Your birds were not blurred though which is probably why the rest of the photo(s) were? – Dave


  10. You’re right — thee are very artistic and beautiful. Learning to celebrate mistakes is a huge advantage in life. It allows you to share wonderful images like these with us.


  11. I love your view of life. And I bet this is what birds do see as they fly (also some vampires from what I’ve seen of some very awful movies. HAHA).


  12. interesting thoughts Fiona. I like wondering things like that too – and I do like the photos very much. they’re works of art in the abstract. and to think of all the blurred images I’ve tossed to the recycle bin. there will be more. happy week to you Fiona.


  13. Hi there – I have just returned from the wild, woolly and less that wonderful world of wireless only internet – so now I’m catching up.

    Without the magpie it would just be blur (I think) – but its presence alters the whole thing. Not everything needs to look like a field guide shot! (well that’s what I tell myself anyway!)

    Cheers – Stewart M – Australia


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