Of cobbled stones and cannon balls

A while back, I visited Stockholm’s Old Town with my daughter.

(You may remember this story from a previous visit there.)

It was a cold, gray day that did nothing to dampen our spirits or the glowing jewels of the old buildings.

Parts of the Old Town date back to medieval times (the 13th century) and the narrow alleys and winding cobbled streets give a small glimpse of life back then.

A fairly harsh world where the gutters in the streets acted as sewers and where, in winter, the cold winds still blow through the streets and cut through clothes like a knife.

As I enjoyed the faded beauty, I felt grateful for my modern comforts.

As we entered Stockholm’s oldest square, we saw a cannonball lodged in the corner of a building that goes back to the 1500s.

According to popular legend, this cannonball commemorates the Stockholm Massacre in 1520 when the Danish King Christian executed a number of Swedish nobles.

The building has been restored a number of times and the cannonball has always been put back.

Although why it now has a green mustache is a mystery…

For more glimpses into other lives, please visit: Our World.

94 thoughts on “Of cobbled stones and cannon balls

  1. What a marvelous post and captures for the day, Fiona! The cannonball is amazing! I, too, love the old buildings and getting such a wonderful look into the past! Fascinating history! Hope you have a lovely evening and a great week!



  2. My aunt lives in Stockholm and although I grew up in Sweden, I only visited it once about 30 years ago. Everyone who has ever been there loves that city. Perhaps it is time to go back again.;)
    Lovely photography and I enjoyed the story.;)


  3. For me Scandinavian towns are all very special. I love the atmosphere in those places. I always as if I am entering another world in another time. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Glowing jewels is right. I love the colors on the buildngs, the light, and the reflection off the street and the story about the canonball. The building may be old but they are well cared for.


  5. Very nice & very cool shots, they’re beautiful!

    Thanks so much for commenting on my post for a Christmas gift for my mother… I’ll definitely check out redbubble.com!


  6. What a beautiful place to explore. I know what you mean about being grateful for modern comforts but I love old buildings. You did a great job capturing the charm and beauty with your camera.


  7. Lovely old buildings! I so agree with you about modern conveniences, like draft-proof windows!! As for the mustache on the cannonball, maybe he thought it was time for a change…


  8. Been there!!! Done that!!! Loved it!!! Stockholm is absolutely beautiful…and of course, since we were there on a Baltic cruise and only had a day, our primary destination was the old town…with a stop at the ice bar!!!


  9. Beautiful mellow colours in these lovely old buildings Lady Fi. I enjoyed looking and reading “drop of kindness’ and agree, quite often Aimee and I have been out and about and when we’ve gone forward to have a word and donate, people come forward, it’s almost as if no one wants to be first, or more likely that they just didn’t think and need a jog!!


  10. What a beautiful old city, great shots. And I have to agree that I prefer our modern conveniences (and human rights) to the old way of life.


  11. These pictures of Stockholm are beautiful. I love the color of the buildings and alleys. We saw some homes with cannonballs in them when we visited Yorktown in Virginia, but we didn’t see any green mustaches.


  12. Amber colored town, eighter light or deep color, is fascinating. Your photos are terrific, ladyfi, inviting me to the places as a time traveller feeling back into the medieval streets. I am so attracted by the cobblestone-paths in Europe. Nice to know the architectures have been restored many times to pass on to future generations.


  13. Thank you for this live look hack into history. My little country of Latvia across the Baltic Sea was in the path of so many invaders, from the Swedes through Kazaks, Poles, Napoleon , the Russians and Germans and anyone else who wanted to go anywhere.


  14. Hi there Lady Fi! Welcome to my blog!

    Läste “Who am I” och har förstått att du talar och skriver Svenska, så låt oss göra det!

    Intressanta bilder från Gamla Stan, roligt att se andra som uppskattar arkitektur och stämningar…man blir så lätt hemmablind!
    Brukar aldrig skriva kommentarer efter att så många redan varit inne, men gör ett litet undantag!

    Ha det gott!
    Best wishes,


  15. this is an amazing post…all three shots are fab!

    the second shot has a beautiful perspective of an uphill street and all blurred. and i dono but the first shot appears 3d if u gaze at it for a while. its amazing!

    My Third Eye


  16. So many comments, I am am never the first with a comment on your Blog 🙂
    beautiful series, very nice photos well done

    RE: Is that gingerbread?
    Yes it is, always on 5 dec we traditional celebrate “Sinterklaas” with candy and presents for the children

    Greetings, Bram


    1. Apparently not – the other one is only a decoration. Maybe that’s why the actual cannonball has a mustache – so that you know it’s the ball and not the decoration.


  17. The green mustache is a riot! I’m happy to see these fabulous photos as they show a side of Stockholm I’ve never seen. It’s funny, I don’t see this city in ochre hues in my mind’s eye and I enjoy being surprised.


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