Of sorrow and hope

As you have probably heard, Norway is a country in deep shock and sorrow.

A fanatic planted a car bomb in the centre of Oslo and then took a ferry to  the island of Utøya.

Pretending to be a policeman, he hunted and mowed down many youngsters (most of them teenagers) who were attending the Labour Party Youth Camp.

Over 90 people have been killed so far and many more injured.

You might think that there would be a great outcry for revenge.

But Norway has chosen a much harder path than the one of retaliation.

They have chosen to have even more democracy and openness.

In the words of the Prime Minister, “You will not destroy us. You will not destroy our democracy or our ideals for a better world.”

It would be much easier to give in to fear and hatred than to believe in compassion and ideals.

But we must have faith that there are more heroes than villains in the world, that there is more good than evil.

Because if we don’t, then fear and hatred will have won.

When a reporter asked one of the survivors how she wanted people to fight terrorism, she replied:

“If one man can show this much hate, think how much love we can show together.”

A beautiful and powerful statement.

For more slices of life, please visit: My World.

87 thoughts on “Of sorrow and hope

  1. I have been very impressed by what I have heard of Norway’s response to this atrocity. I pray for strength for all the Norwegian people that they may continue to set us all this example of compassion, courage, and love.


  2. A wonderful post, the Norwegians are certainly showing great strength. I had also heard that quote from one of the survivors. Thanks also for your support by commenting on my Amy Winehouse Tribute.


  3. wow. love her response to the reporter…that is a beautiful thing rising in the ashes of the other…my heart goes out to the families left behind…


  4. OUr whole country is symphasizing with the Norwegian people. We are all in shock afetr what happened. And a beautiful answer from the survivor. Thank you for sharing.


  5. My sympathies go out to the wounded and people who lost loved ones. I love what the girl said to the reporter : “If one man can show this much hate, think how much love we can show together.” Very wise.


  6. Norway’s response to this tragedy should be an inspiration to all of us. The girl that talked to the reporter is wise beyond her years.


  7. I had not heard. I don’t listen to the news or read the newspaper. I don’t currently own a tv. I live a life insulated from this kind of madness. You have written a lovely tribute to the country and the survivors of this incomprehensible act by an insane individual. Beautiful images. Much love to you.


  8. moving words LadyFi. yes, what the world needs is more love. and to respond with love to acts of hate, well that is the most generous and healing response of all. thanks.


  9. I was reading a couple of blogs, and they were talking about how here, in the states, it’s not really being talked about. And it’s sort of true. It wasn’t the leading story on my local news the day it happened. And CNN didn’t have much on it. It breaks my heart. My family is Norwegian. Such good people.


    1. Thank you for your thoughts. I am British and live in Sweden, which is Norway’s neighbour. Still, it’s pretty close to home, I guess.


  10. Your post today brought tears to my eyes. I am so moved by the Norwegian people and the route they are taking to deal with the horror! If all countries would do the same just think how powerful we could be indeed!! And indeed how much love we could all show together! Thank you for sharing this with us. It is something we all need to consider when it comes to dealing with the hate that seems to fill our world these days.



  11. “If one man can show this much hate, think how much love we can show together.”

    The Power of Words. The POWER of Love.

    I am thinking of you all this minute, Lady Fi.

    Beautiful Post.


  12. That truly is a powerful statement coming from the survivor. For many it seems far easier to hate than to love in this world but this girl certainly has risen above that kind of thinking. She is also no doubt incredibly grateful to be alive. Seeing Norway and how the people are coping is very inspirational, indeed!


  13. I was just reading an article on this… indeed this is a difficult road that Norway is taking. Beautiful post, lovely thoughts! Thanks!


  14. Indeed, a powerful post and statement by one of the surviors!! You have beautifully illustrated your words with these images!


  15. What a beautiful post – love the image of the angels in the window. “If one man can show this much hate, think how much love we can show together.” – so true and expresses much wisdom from one so young. Gives me hope for this world!


  16. The photo with the angels and the window just about made me cry in this context 😦 😦 😦 😦 I have a friend who is safe in Oslo right now, no other connection except as a human and neighbour but have still felt as if I’ve had a grey heavy blanket of sadness above me.


  17. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder that we as a people can do better – much better. Out of this incredible sadness, your country is teaching the world how we need to be – knowing that love will always trump hate. May peace come back to Norway. elizabeth


    1. I certainly hope we will do better in the future. I don’t live in Norway but next door, in Sweden, which is now my adopted country if you like. (I’m a Brit.)


  18. Beautiful photos. And from my perspective, Norway is approaching this just the right way – if we let these fanatics destroy our way of life, they’ve won.


  19. The events in Norway are truly frightening and horrific. But the quote you shared from one of the survivors is the one that I want to hang onto. Thank you for finding a bright spot in a very dark event.

    By the way, I’m just back from vacation and catching up with your posts but I’m only going to leave one comment as I’m overwhelmed with blog posts to be read from all my favorite blogs. Thanks for understanding.


  20. Her response to the reporter was truly amazing!
    And your post is wonderful!
    My heart goes out to all those that lost loved ones!
    Thank you!


  21. My heart hurts for the survivors and for those who have lost people dear to them. I am so impressed with the way the country has responded, and in awe of the survivor quoted.
    Thank you for showing some of the positives arising from this appalling act.


  22. Thank you. This wholoe horrible thing has actually been featured on all our news here (sometimes we actually look beyond our own borders). I am just now listening to National Public Radio, which has a piece on the reaction and the Prime Minister’s statement, much like what you said, but actually not so beautifully worded. (And definitely without the evocative pictures). Thank you for writing this and my heart (and the hearts of everyone who has one) goes out to the country, the survivors, and this earth.


  23. Beautiful captures,

    What happened in Norway is really sad and disappointing, Just a couple of weeks ago we had 3 bomb blasts here in Mumbai, valuable lives lost. Sometimes i wonder if Humanity should be the only religion allowed on planet earth.


  24. How poignant with the dandelion flower. Have you got the same idea that if you blow the flower seeds towards your target , they will feel you love.


  25. A wonderful post – my thought as with your country.
    I only hope people will learn from this that we need to educate not segregate and we need to think not just react. There is an deeply ugly side to some political and religious movement – and their arguments need to be contested at every turn.
    Stewart M – Australia


  26. I have been following the news since day one and I’m horrified everytime I see the images of the massacre and the bombing. My thoughts are with the Norwegian people, I can’t imagine what the feeling must be… Beautiful post, Lady Fi.


  27. This post reminds me of the shooting of 10 little girls under the age of 13 in the Amish school in West Mines, PA a number of years ago. I remember been brought to my knees by the reaction of the Amish community to such senseless horrific tragedy and how they immediately extended forgiveness and grace to the gunman’s family.


  28. Indeed. My thoughts are very much with Norway these days too. Beautiful post and perfect photos to reflect the sentiments. I wonder how many more of these attrocities we have to go through before the love wins through.


  29. When something senseless occurs, our hearts often constrict instead of expand. Thank you for the reminder to keep the light of hope and love shining.


  30. Thank you Lady Fi for bringing this even more to our attention by your proximity. I cannot even imagine what Norway is going through. Love as you say, will win.


  31. I like the last quote. I am not sure I would feel that way if it were one of my grandchildren at that camp. BUT I do believe that something good comes out of all such tragedies..we just have to keep our eyes open to see it:)


  32. I just had an idea….what if you lead some kind of blog thing where people sent in cheerful stories/ photos/ art and made a little book for the kids of Norway? I’d help!


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