Wild nightlife

They gather in the setting sun — wearing their best costumes.

The males glide there silently or preen themselves

While the females are all a-twitter with excitement.

The singing and dancing,

That glorious burst of sunset colours –

Who can resist the temptation?

Yep – that’s right! The nightlife over here is pretty wild.

For more wild skies, please visit: Skywatch and Camera Critters.

I’m back from Disneyland (Paris)! We all had a wonderful time and have come back with good memories and aching feet. I’ve got quite a backlog so will be catching up with you over the next few days. Thank you for all your kind comments.

86 thoughts on “Wild nightlife

  1. What can I say but awesome as always! It is definitely close to what heaven must look like! Superb captures! How beautifully you capture your world and your skies! Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a beautiful weekend!



  2. Ladyfi,
    Incredibly beautiful sunset with water birds!All settings are perfect! Recently I tried to capture the shots of sunset several times. But I failed because all sunsets were no good. I am looking at your photo with admiration sigh. The most delicate and exquisite sunset I have ever seen.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Hello – here is the poetic blog, the kind I really love. Wonderful images and words… Thank you for your kind comment at my sunset – I follow, because I want more of your expressions. Have a great summer!


  4. That was worth coming back to for sure!!! (And since even most of our grandkids are past the Disneyland stage, I’d rather see that sunset and those “wild” birds than I would Disneyland any time. But how cool that you can do both!!!!


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