Fingers crossed

My bags are packed and soon – I hope – I will be enjoying the enormous canvas of the English sky

And the golden sight of the rolling Sussex Downs.

My optimism is tinged with a little fear as a volcano in Iceland has inconveniently erupted

And may cause chaos and cancelled flights.

And that would be a bitter disappointment because family awaits in England

Including a sister I haven’t seen in four years.

So, fingers crossed we achieve lift off in order to enjoy

The joys of family, a country where the chimneys, like the people, are eccentric –

And who knows? We might even enjoy a little rain.

After all, this is England we’re talking about!

For more eccentric skies, please visit: Skywatch!

I have a couple of posts scheduled for you to enjoy while I’m away. But do forgive me in advance for not visiting you all in the next week.

85 thoughts on “Fingers crossed

  1. Oh, the first image is absolutely breathtaking, makes me want to be there right now…
    Enjoy your stay in England, it is always good to go back home.;)


  2. Great shots! Wonderful sky in the first one!
    Hope your the volcano cloud will keep away from your path! I’ll keep my fingers crossed;o)
    Have a nice and happy day;o)


  3. nice…have fun on your trip…have yet to go but would totally love to…the skies seem to stretch further and further in that fist pic…


  4. that first shot is absolutely stunning! now, you have me yearning to go there as well (hubby is always missing it!) it’s already been three years since we’ve visited. enjoy and take loads of pictures. hope your travels go uninterrupted!


  5. Wonderful shots! I have a penchant for English chimneys too. Weather report from England today: very windy and rainy with some bright spells, but should be drier tomorrow!


  6. Hope you have a lovely time! I’d love to take a trip to England. Alas, I can’t even take a blog vacation there as I don’t have any pictures to post (since I’ve never been! :)) but these are great and looking forward to more!


  7. I do hope you caught your plane and that you are visiting with your family right now! Some things we just can´t foresee, right?


  8. How lovely! Have fun!!
    Looks like the volcano is calming down… Hopefully it will be kind because I also plan to travel a bit 😉 Haven’t booked anything yet though, but I’m thinking… Rome… Paris… London… or some place new.


  9. Eccentrics in rain, lol, gee thanks,lol.
    Welcome to the UK, I’m sure your flight will be ok.

    Altho, we have had rain today, with a little wind.


  10. Ah, I wish you a wonderful trip and flight. I was suppose to see my sister at xmas and her flight was canceled for another volcano. your photos are lovely.


  11. I hope the volcano won’t keep you from making your flight as scheduled. The pictures in this post are beautiful (I really like the chimney tops), but I hope you’ll get many more to share with us.
    I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip.


  12. I hope your flight takes (took?) off as scheduled! Have fun! Love that chimney – reminds me of Mary Poppins, one of my favorite movies!!


  13. I thought you were back in England last year, but perhaps you have several sisters? I cannot believe the volcanic eruptions. That worried me when I flew to Europe last year. Good luck and have a wonderful time with your family.


  14. Have a great trip, I heard today (from Sweden) that the ash cloud is not as bad anymore, so off you go, and have a great time!!
    Jesh from FB


  15. Oh AMAZING> What incredible captures you have here. I hope your time is wonderful….be safe- and come back and share your adventure!


  16. beautiful skywatch photos
    like the one with the chimney, beautiful composed and wonderful sky and colors

    have a nice weekend, Bram


  17. Wishing you successful and safe travels, and a wonderful visit. Hope you packed your umbrella for those rainy British skies!


  18. Great photos Fi, especially liked the rain photo at the end! I hope to visit England someday, it is on my list of places to visit!! Via fb I hear you are on your way as scheduled- enjoy your family and jolly ol´England my friend!!


  19. Thanks for your comment of compliment and appreciation of my peony photographs.

    Enjoy your trip to the good old UK, heading there for a few days ourselves soon for a wedding so hoping for sun rather than rain.


  20. Forgiven you are my dear!! Hope you have a wonderful trip, and enjoy to the MAX your family!! I will be looking forward to all those photos you will be posting soon!!
    Hugs, hugs, hugs!!


  21. I hope your trip is wonderful. Your photos certainly are. I love the towering clouds in the first one, and the chimney pots in the second.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  22. your photos are glorious, as usual. I especially love that last…
    you manage to take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary and that simply awes me. Bon voyage, I hope you have the time of your life.


  23. Love that wet look but the last thing we need here is more rain! (Except the farmers, that is.)
    You take great photos and the one of the fire in the last post was truly amazing.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May


  24. Well I am reading this just AFTER I read the comment about your waking up in England next to a very fat cat, so I can say “YEAH FOR FI!! YOU MADE IT!!”

    A volcano is no match for the likes of Lady Fi! 🙂 Enjoy your time!!!


  25. I hope you enjoyed your trip. My husband is from Manchester and North Wales. I don’t think I have ever visited without some wind and rain. We are both looking forward to our next trip back across the pond.


  26. oh, how I have missed you.

    life just grabbed me and hasn’t let go until just now…


    well kids grabbed me really 🙂

    what a gift to be able to sit and look and soak and be inspired here with all of your words and photos and beauty seeking heart spilling over for us.

    thank you.


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