Castle ruins

As you know I was on holiday back home in England recently. The ruins of Bramber Castle are situated near my sister’s house. Not content with photographing the watchtower, I fell in love with the rest of the ruins too.

900 years ago, men toiled carrying heavy stones. Using muscle power, they somehow built a castle on a hill.

The watchtower was given thick walls as a defence. Its lonely eyes surveyed the countryside.

Sturdy walls overlooked golden fields with hay-filled dominoes standing sentry.

Some of the perimeter walls still stand, perfect for time travellers with imagination.

After hundreds of years, the castle was abandoned, the good stones all taken and it just fell into ruin.

Only the 24-metre tall (that’s 75 feet) watchtower remains intact. To me, it looks as if it is a stone face that is screaming.

Fanciful perhaps. But in the 1200s, the baron who owned this castle did not want to obey cruel King John.

So the King took his four children hostage, carted them off to Windsor Castle and let them starve to death.

Legend says that the four children return to their home at Bramber Castle every Christmas and their pitiful cries, begging for food, can be heard…

… if you listen carefully.

For more amazing history, please visit: My World!

41 thoughts on “Castle ruins

  1. My thoughts are the same as they were when I saw your previous pictures of these ruins…..I am just so curious about how these were built at the time they were. Interesting story about the baron’s children. It adds even more intrique to the place.


  2. Fantastic history, and so very sad! What an incredible place! Coming from such a young country I am always amazed at the history going back so very many years! I’m always fascinated and this is a great example! Thank you so much for such a terrific post for the day! Oh, yes, the stonework is shouting — something! Hope you have a great week!



  3. I love history and visiting places like this! Thank you for sharing….the photos are fab and I really enjoyed reading the story that went with them 🙂

    C x


  4. I love historical places, there is so much atmosphere around them. Sad story, and probably partially true, those were bad days for people then.



  5. Amazin’ bits of history there. I love the pictures of the old castle. Thanks for sharin’ them with us.

    God bless ya and have a terrific day sweetie!!!


  6. I guess King John did not take “no” for an answer, did he? When I see towers like that built so many years ago, I wonder how they did it without modern tools. It’s amazing!


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