My chocolate fix

I’ve just come back from my secret weekend adventure.

I had no idea where we were going or what we were going to do. I just knew that we were going somewhere in the middle of the countryside.

It turned out that Sir Pe had checked us into Sätra Brunn, one of Sweden’s oldest spas. People have been coming here ‘to take the waters’ since 1700.

The spa is set in a huge park and two-hundred-year old buildings have now been converted into hotel rooms. (You can see one of the hotel wings in the long red building behind me in the picture.)

Some of the very old cottages are nearly 300 years old and are not used nowadays — like the old red cabin on the right-hand side of the photo below.

The oldest spring is Trinity Spring and it is still bubbling today. Housed in a wooden yellow building, it is open to everyone who wants to come and taste its water. Trinity Spring, together with six other springs dotted around the estate, provide all the drinking water for the spa resort. Nowadays though, the iron and sulfur are filtered out.

Trinity spring

After checking into the hotel, we wandered over to the swimming pool. The water was 34 C – almost as hot as the air at a balmy 30 C!

My next surprise awaited… a dark chocolate full body massage and facial! I smelled delicious, my skin was rehydrated and I was so relaxed I could have floated away…

As my one of my T shirts declares, “There’s nothing wrong with me that a little bit of chocolate can’t fix!”

Me - enjoying a chocolate glow

For more adventures, please visit: My World!

56 thoughts on “My chocolate fix

  1. you look most glowing…smiles.
    very cool weekend!
    so do you get to eat your way out of this….lol.


  2. What a special surprise!!
    I´ve never heard of a chocolate massage before, but how can it be anything but good?! You really are glowing!


  3. Anyone would recognize me. I’m the girl in the neighborhood always walking around with chocolate stains at the corners of my mouth.

    Sounds like a fabulous week-end and you look WONDERFUL!



  4. Fi – I’m a little bit jealous! You’re using glow and chocolate in the same sentence. I’d try it in my bath tub, but somehow, I don’t think it would be the same. You deserve it!


  5. A dark chocolate full body massage and facial!!!?????? OH MY GOD … why have I never heard of this! I would be in heaven … or hell. I guess I couldn’t lick it off myself could I?

    That is a great photo of you … you look LOVELY!!

    The photos (and using the mirrors like that) were gorgeous.

    What a wonderful gift!


  6. Everything about this post is fabulous.
    Especially the photo of you looking so relaxed and content.
    and you were so brave to go along with a surprise, I’m kind of a chicken about stuff like that .

    I can take or leave chocolate , but I doubt they do cheese massages 🙂


  7. Three cheers for Sir Pe for thinking of and planning a getaway like that for you. Of course you know, men like that are hard to come by! You look dreamy and swoony and I’m thinkin’ Sir Pe is one smart guy!!!!! Glad you had such a great time! 🙂


  8. Everything about it sounds completely heavenly. Sweden is so beautiful. Every time I come here I get to visit a little more of it. Maybe one day I’ll actually visit for real.

    And you, Lady Fi, are gorgeous!


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